Бесит, когда Локи не любят только потому, что он, видите ли, образом не совпал с прототипом из мифов. В чем проблема? Просто не смешивайте этих двух персонажей.

Правила локитреда

Клятва Ночного Дозорного

В треде мирно сосуществуют слэшные, гетные и дженовые направления. Срачи на эту тему категорически запрещены.

Предыдущие темы: 1-100, ..., 321, 322, 323.

Вопрос: О чем думаешь, анон?
1. О Локи! Мои мысли в прошлом, ностальгирую про Локи и про всё, что с ним связано. 
26  (12.68%)
2. О Локи! Но в будущем: читаю и пишу фички, жду М4, затем сериал; боюсь, мечтаю, надеюсь. 
29  (14.15%)
3. О Томме! Каким он парнем был и что сейчас с ним стало... печалюсь, хейчу, бесоеблю. 
15  (7.32%)
4. О Томме! Замечательный британец замечателен всегда. И о личной его жизни тоже думаю. 
20  (9.76%)
5. О Шекспире, Толстом и Диккенсе, дабы соответствовать уровню кумира. 
9  (4.39%)
6. О Локи, о Торе, а ещё о Томе Х. в квадрате, Крисе Х. и Крисе Э., Бенедикте К., Фасси, Люке и еще десятке других не менее прекрасных мужиков. 
12  (5.85%)
7. О хиддлсворте мои мысли, но одних мыслей мне мало. Додайте мне свежих фактов, пруфов, фоток, сияния! И побольше! 
8  (3.9%)
8. О фунтах думаю. Где взять деньги на мерч, на кукилок, на домик в Хэмпстеде, на жизнь в Лондоне, на соседа прекрасного? Где?! 
21  (10.24%)
9. У анона в голове ни одной приличной мысли. 
26  (12.68%)
10. ЛокеБох!!! Томмесуперстар!!! 
39  (19.02%)
Всего:   205
Всего проголосовало: 81

@темы: локиправда

14.10.2018 в 16:31

+2 фото с очередями на фотоопы
читать дальше
14.10.2018 в 16:33

Одна из фанаток написала, Том пахнет как лес после утренней росы.
14.10.2018 в 16:34

видео (из очереди за автографами)

14.10.2018 в 16:37

видео (из очереди за автографами)

14.10.2018 в 16:42

So...yesterday was the best day of my life and all my dreams came true!! It still feels unreal just thinking that I GOT TO MEET TOM AND CHRIS!!! Omg. Tom has been my celebrity crush since I was 13, and when I walked in to get my photo with him, it just felt so unreal that he was standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!! He shook my hand and said he liked my Loki scarf, and after the picture the staff yelled “next” and I was bad and stuck around a few extra moments. I looked at him and said “thank you for everything you’ve done”. He put his hand over his heart and bowed, and thanked me in return! I could have died. Chris was like a big puppy dog and when my brother and I walked in he was like “HEY GUYS, what’s up!” It was so incredible. And a huge thank you to the awesome staff member who brought my brother and I to the front of the line for Chris so we could catch our train in time! Best first comic con EVER. ❤️
14.10.2018 в 16:46

I literally never thought that I’d meet Tom. Honestly, I’m still shocked that I was lucky enough to. I had my photo op on Friday and I basically froze when I turned the corner into the booth and saw him standing there, but I very shyly said “Hi” when he looked at me and he said “Hello” with a smile and motioned for me to come closer. I was standing next to him, nervous as heck, and literally right when they were taking the picture I quietly asked “Can I hug you?” and he laughed and said “Yeah, sure” and then I kind of awkwardly hugged him and he put his arm around me and pulled me close and my hair fell in my face and I look like a tiny star-struck emo potato creature, but it’s okay. He didn’t seem too bothered by my awkwardness and was so very kind. One of the best days of my life. Thank you, Tom.
14.10.2018 в 16:48

So I’ve finally had a chance to collect my thoughts and put something into words. I love hearing the details of other people’s experiences, so I have tried to do the same here.

We waited in line well past the scheduled time, Tom had so many people waiting to see him! Despite my plans to be super casual I was much more nervous than expected.

Eventually our line started moving and we put our bags down at the entrance to the photo booth. There were about 5 or 6 people ahead at this point. Then I heard him say ‘hello’ to someone inside, and omg it’s Tom’s voice! On the other side of the curtain! And it sounds just the same!

The line is moving fast now, as each person only gets a few seconds for the photo. We move up and I can SEE TOM HIDDLESTON!!! Like for real, in front of me! Eventually I notice the official asking for my ticket and I hand it to him. Then I watch the person in front of me go in. And then it’s my turn! Any thought of prepared words goes out of my head as he looks at me and says hello. AND ITS TOM HIDDLESTON, TALKING TO ME and I presume I said hello back but I was busy making eye contact. As I reached out to shake his hand he reached out to put his arm around my waist for the photo and we did that awkward little thing and then shook hands before posing for the photo. And omg HE IS TALL and HE IS SLIM and HE IS JUST GORGEOUS! The camera flashes, and then I turn to him and say thank you, looking into his eyes and hoping this somehow conveys my admiration for him. He said thanks too, and then I’m walking out.

I get outside to pick up my belongings and suddenly I’m crying. So many emotions! My hands are shaking again and I need to sit down.

My goodness. That man.

In the afternoon it was the autograph session. So as we were waiting in the line for the autograph session Tom walks out with his minders to the booth and waves to the queue. We were on the edge of the crowd and he was looking right in our direction and smiled and waved as he walked by! It was a beautiful genuine smile, and of course everyone screamed and waved back at him.

We were hustled in a few at a time, and so I could see him talking to the people ahead. I literally cannot stop the stupid big grin on my face when I see him. He was very focussed on spelling people’s names right and so only looked up when he was finished signing my photo. I handed him an envelope with a short letter and donation on his behalf and managed a few tongue-tied words of thanks.

Such an amazing day! And I can’t wait to hear him at the panel tomorrow!
14.10.2018 в 16:49

Боже ж мой, мне даже предстаить сложно, как Том выдерживает такой поток народа и еще улыбается. Надеюсь, в этот раз у него хоть было время поесть.
Фото, где Том на балконе очень какая-то живая что ли.
14.10.2018 в 16:49

Tom with coffee in hand heading to the next round of photo ops.

14.10.2018 в 16:55

I want to thank @ACEcomiccon so much for everything and their staff. A BILLION times better than Seattle. Y’all definitely redeemed yourselves perfectly. Thank you @stephenshamus12 for such an amazing convention. Everyone was a lot nicer too & actually cracking jokes with fans.
14.10.2018 в 16:58

14.10.2018 в 16:58

14.10.2018 в 17:20

Best day of my life. I’ve been a fan of his since I was 13 (I’m 20 now), and it’s been a dream of mine to meet him. It still feels unreal just thinking about it right now! He’s the sweetest person ever. I was lucky enough to snag a few extra seconds with him after the staff said “next” and I looked at him and thanked him for all he’s done. He put his hand over his heart and bowed and thanked me! I almost cried. I’ll never forget this! ❤️❤️😭😭❤️❤️
We'll have the digital copies shortly, but I couldn't wait 😍😍😍

I look like a fucking oompa loompa, but look at the beautiful specimen next to me!

He was SO SWEET. He did not rush us, he was game for our poses, he gave a different facial expression each time, he LOVED the Tessaract and Gauntlet, he thought Brian's pose was hilarious, he shook hands with all of us and asked our names, and he smelled absolutely edible.

I am even more in love and on Cloud 9999999999.
First comic con was absolutely incredible! I can’t put into words how grateful I am for this experience!
We got to meet Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen! !
Our pics were scheduled at 4:45 (which started late), and our autographs were scheduled for 5. We missed the autograph session, but some of the workers were extremely helpful, and took us over to Elizabeth’s photo session that was about to begin. We were able to go in first, and I handed her an envelope explaining that I was from Alaska and had gotten her some gifts from up there. Her face lit up and she said “Oh my gosh, thank you so much!” She’s absolutely gorgeous in person, and a total sweetheart! And of course Tom is just as handsome in person as well. . .and super freakin tall, haha. Thank you @acecomiccon for such a great time!
ruly blessed to have met @twhiddleston today. Photo ops go very quickly, but he still took the time to say hello and “nice to meet you.” What a sweet soul. 💕 #acecomiccon #tomhiddleston #lokideservedbetter #aceuniversewin
brandico5 Absolutely stoked this happened!!! Thank you @acecomiccon for bringing the Midwest such an amazing line up! This weekend has been like a dream~ And a huge thank you to Tom for being the sweetest person in the world despite his hectic schedule 😇😍
Oh my gosh did I have the time of my life today! Best day of my life by far!!!! So grateful to have had that opportunity. (Jesus is that man tall or what!?)
14.10.2018 в 17:24

«Крис Эванс, посетивший в эту субботу ACE Comic Con, рассказал об очень глупом моменте на досъёмках:

«Это было что-то действительно глупое, настолько идиотское, что сейчас я и не смогу вспомнить дословно», - сказал Эванс, когда его спросили о его последних фразах в «Мстителях 4».

«Ну, знаете, это были досъёмки, где мы снимали всевозможные мелочи и прочие моменты, которые им нужны. Возможно, это были слова в адрес Пола Радда. Его самого там не было, это была очень глупая фраза. Она не станет незабываемой для меня [смеётся], но этот день я определённо запомню лучше, чем эту фразу».

14.10.2018 в 17:29

«Джим Старлин, создавший Таноса для комиксов Marvel, признался, что он видел другого актера в роли знакового злодея.

По его словам, он представлял себе глубокомысленного актера, таких как Арнольд Шварценеггер или Идрис Эльба, во многом благодаря их голосу. Но роль в итоге получил Джош Бролин. Хотя последний «никогда» не был в списке потенциальных актеров Старлина.

— Я всегда думал, что это будет просто работа над голосом, знаете, это же анимированный персонаж.

Они это делали в этот момент, когда появилась новая технология, которую они впервые представили в «Мстителях».

Поскольку Старлин ожидал, что персонаж будет полностью создан благодаря графики (без захвата движения), он рассуждал, что голос актера был главным приоритетом.»

14.10.2018 в 17:30

This isn’t mischief. This is mayhem. Tom Hiddleston, Chris Evans, Lee Pace, Karen Gillian, and Matt Smith all in one day! Tom was so amazing and I really wished I could of meet the others but seeing their panels was awesome!
14.10.2018 в 17:32

I got a picture with @twhiddleston I cried when I left but I'm happy hella happ
14.10.2018 в 17:34

14.10.2018 в 17:38