Бесит, когда Локи не любят только потому, что он, видите ли, образом не совпал с прототипом из мифов. В чем проблема? Просто не смешивайте этих двух персонажей.
Правила локитреда
Клятва Ночного Дозорного
Предыдущие темы: 1-100 , ... , 303, 304, 305.
Вопрос: Скорбишь, анон?
1. Нет! Локи Жив! Он же гений многоходовок! | 97 | (21.8%) | |
2. Марвел говно! Руссо сволочи! Фильма не существует! | 38 | (8.54%) | |
3. Нет времени на скорбь! Даешь флешмобы и петиции! Заставим марвел передумать, им не впервой! | 35 | (7.87%) | |
4. Денно и нощно лью слезы. Как они могли?! | 23 | (5.17%) | |
5. Что бы ни наснимали, у меня свой Канон. И в нем все будет хорошо! | 52 | (11.69%) | |
6. Буду скорбеть после М4. Или не буду. Надежда умирает последней. | 69 | (15.51%) | |
7. Анон любит ангст. Анон в экстазе! | 20 | (4.49%) | |
8. На фильмы больше ни ногой. Нафиг марвел! | 22 | (4.94%) | |
9. Уполз... Не уполз... В Африке дети голодают! | 10 | (2.25%) | |
10. ЛОКЕБОХ!!! ЛОКЕЖИВ!!! | 79 | (17.75%) | |
Всего: | 445 Всего проголосовало: 169 |
Анон, меня это не удивляет, если фильм все равно соберет больше миллиарда, можно творить все, что угодно. И плевать им на фанатов (не только режиссерам, но и продюссерам)
он отомститель.
Держу пари, что эти ушлепки про троицу даже не помнят(. Дорвались канон переписывать, локененавистники (да, теперь я абсолютно верю, что Руссо ненавидят Локи. А то были сомнения, может, они по незнанию и ненарочно. Надежда умерла, осталась ненависть к заправилам этой хрени)
Звериный оскал капитализма
А мне кажется, что он просто не интересный для них персонаж. Конфликт между Старком и кэпом для них по-любому интереснее. Поэтому они быстренько прикончили Локи, заодно создав "мотивацию для мести Тора" - к слову, очень характерный прием начинающего райтера - и дальше уже дудели в свою любимую дуду.
Или просто отснимут с ним пару сцен флешбэка. А потом и их вырежут, как в Эре Альтрона.
Однако у «Мстителей» все еще есть шансы вернуться после четвертой части.
— Мы встречаемся с командой Marvel, разрабатываем новые фильмы на десять лет вперед. Думаю, можно сказать, что мы делаем новый франчайз на замену «Мстителям». Но это не значит, что знакомые герои после четвертой части сойдут с пути. Нам пока просто нечего заявить по этому поводу.»
«The CEO also teased that Marvel Studios plans to launch a new franchise.
Next year's Avengers 4 is being billed as the end of the journey for many of Marvel Studios' favorite heroes, but it won't be the end of the Avengers.
Little is known about Marvel's plans following 2019's Avengers 4, save for sequels to Guardians of the Galaxy and Spider-Man: Homecoming, but Disney CEO Bob Iger teased the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe on Tuesday during an earnings call.
"We meet on a regular basis with our Marvel team, and we've plotted out Marvel movies that will take us well into the next decade," said Iger. "I'm guessing we will try our hand at what I'll call a new franchise beyond Avengers, but that doesn't necessarily mean you won't see more Avengers down the road. We just haven't made any announcements about that."
Disney is riding high as Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War continues its box-office rampage — and Iger noted that the 19 films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have earned more than $16 billion globally.
Iger said that the goal with Avengers 4, which filmmakers Joe and Anthony Russo shot back-to-back with Infinity War, was to "have a significant conclusion" to the story that began with 2008's Iron Man. But he wouldn't rule out more Avengers movies down the road.
"Given the popularity of the characters and given the popularity of the franchise, I don't think people should conclude there will never be another Avengers movie," Iger said.
One of the challenges with Infinity War was the scale of its cast, noted Disney CFO Christine McCarthy.
"I think the outstanding performance is nothing short of stellar," she said, adding "there is one difference in this movie … that's the size of the cast. ... Because of the size of the cast involved and the cost of the movie, the scale, the magnitude, while this film is going to be very profitable, it may not be on the same return level as some of the other films, because of the sheer scale of it."
Disney is working on acquiring 21st Century Fox assets, which would give the studio rights to classic Marvel characters such as X-Men and Fantastic Four.
Infinity War has made more than $1.1 billion worldwide. Here's what's officially on the docket for Marvel: Ant-Man and the Wasp (July 6), Captain Marvel (March 8, 2019), Avengers 4 (May 3, 2019), and a Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel (July 5, 2019). It also has carved out nine dates for untitled Marvel movies: May 1, 2020; July 31, 2020; Nov. 6, 2020; May 7, 2021; July 30, 2021; Nov. 5, 2021; Feb. 18, 2022; May 6, 2022; and July 29, 2022.»
У меня тоже есть такая мысль. Но последние два фильма мне не зашли, поэтому заранее расстраиваюсь.
«Warning: This post contains major spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War. If you want to avoid them come back after you have seen the movie.
The audience was raring to go right from the start when I saw Infinity War on opening night in a giant, packed theater. When Hulk attacked Thanos they yelled and applauded, when Captain America showed up they got even louder, and they never stopped. However nothing came close to their absolute eruption when Thor landed in Wakanda. He had already been the best hero in the movie, and now he was here with his amazing new axe to save the day when he was needed most. Watching him arrive was more like being at a sporting event than a movie. But while the crowd was cheering for the god of thunder, they could just as easily have been cheering for Chris Hemsworth himself, who was giving a performance even more impressive than anything Thor did.
It’s easy to see why Thor was Infinity War‘s MVA—Most Valuable Avenger (Tony should make that his password). He not only got what seemed like the most screen time, he got the best screen time. He was the most powerful hero in the movie (he took the full force of a freaking star, which somehow feels underappreciated), he was bold and brave (even knowing what Thanos was capable of he went looking for him), he was super funny (insert any of his hilarious one-liners), he was an inspirational leader (like when he told Peter Dinklage’s Eitri, “I know it feels like all hope is lost. Trust me, I know. But together, you and I, we can kill Thanos.”), and obviously he got the single best entrance into a battle scene. Thor really Thunder God-ed the crap out of this movie.
Of course, the character has always been brave, strong, funny, and inspiring. Still, this might have been the most powerful he’s ever been, and the most comfortable in his own skin. But even more impressive than the changes we saw in Thor were those we saw in Hemsworth. For the first time in his MCU career, he got to show off how truly talented he is as an actor (and without being overshadowed by someone else).
Hemsworth has been a great Thor from the start, and a huge, important part of the Avengers. It’s why he has become a genuine Hollywood A-lister. Yet he’s primarily viewed as an action star—funny, handsome, brawny, and with a real screen presence, but maybe not a “serious actor.” Certainly not the way Tom Hiddleston has been thought of, even while playing Loki. Hiddleston’s performance, while also requiring lots of fighting and humor, has been praised for its depth and nuance. Hemsworth is a great superhero, everyone acknowledges that. But Hiddleston? :puts on monocle: He’s a great actor.
But Infinity War, which asked Hemsworth to do so much, is his true breakout performance. It gave him the chance to earn the recognition he has always deserved for being a great actor period, and he took that opportunity and outshone dozens of other co-stars. This movie asked him to do more than anyone, both physically and emotionally. He had to mourn, overcome that loss, lead and inspire, and carry major parts of the film emotionally, all while still being 100% believable as a literal god in the action sequences.
It’s a fantastic performance from the start, as we see when Thor screams in agony through a metal gag as he watches Loki die. But the scene that opened my eyes (or, more fittingly, eye) to how good Hemsworth really is was Thor’s conversation with Rocket about how to defeat Thanos. The discussion starts with Thor being glib and funny, but the more Rocket questions him, the more we see just how much pain he’s in as he finds a way to keep going. Thor tells the sweet rabbit, “I’m only alive because fate wants me alive,” and that Thanos will “be the latest to feel my vengeance” because “fate wills it so.” This is the bravado of the character we’ve always known and loved, a superhero willing to face any danger. But when Rocket asks him Thor what might happen if he’s wrong, we see something new in Thor. He’s broken, but strong.
“Well, if I’m wrong,” he says, “Then what more could I lose?”
Suddenly a tear rolls down his face, and the almighty Thor is as vulnerable as any mere mortal. It’s a beautiful, heartbreaking moment, where so much is conveyed with so little. It’s powerful because it’s not the loud, brash, larger-than-life Thor; it’s quiet and human. And we see it via Chris Hemsworth acting against a CGI raccoon. He’s not sharing the screen with Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins, Cate Blanchett, Robert Downey Jr., or any other great actors in the MCU. It’s just him, showing he can carry the emotional weight of the story as well as he has ever carried his hammer.
In a movie with almost everyone in it, Hemsworth was asked to do everything, and he excelled at all of it. It’s no easy task to make an audience cry or laugh, let alone make one scream out in pure joy. But he did all of that. That’s why he was Infinity War‘s MVP. He’s always been a great Thor, but now we can clearly see that he’s a great actor, too.»
да епт...
Чо-чо-чо? Танос не так уж плох?
То есть Локи, впустивший по дурости в Мидгард читаури, у Марвел страшный злодей, а Танос, выкосивший половину Вселенной, - не так уж плох?
Двойные стандарты на марше. Вот суки.
Ага, хочется. Жалко тебя, болезный
Локи хотел личной выгоды в виде власти и на ручки к Тору, а Танос хочет всеобщего блага для перегруженной вселенной. Танос добрый, просто выбрал не те методы для осуществления добра. С - сарказм.
Такое ощущение, что тред захвачен.
мир захвачен. идиотами, правда.
да епт... -2
Надеюсь, это временное. Головокружение от успехов, тлетворный запах больших денег. Потому что это капец Голливуду
После такого выпила Локи, после всех неблагодарностей в адрес Хиддлстона, вы все это сносите, все эти марвелоплевки вытираете и добавки просите.
Я не понимаю! Как так можно??