Бесит, когда Локи не любят только потому, что он, видите ли, образом не совпал с прототипом из мифов. В чем проблема? Просто не смешивайте этих двух персонажей.

Правила локитреда

Клятва Ночного Дозорного

Предыдущие темы: 1-100, ..., 287, 288, 289.

Вопрос: Что еще, помимо Локи, интересует тебя в ВБ, анон?
1. Камни Бесконечности и все, что с ними связано 
24  (9.09%)
2. Танос, его союзники, его методы и мотивация 
14  (5.3%)
3. Судьба асгардцев после встречи с вражеским кораблем 
29  (10.98%)
4. Взаимодействие Тора и Стражей Галактики 
22  (8.33%)
5. Заварушка в Ваканде и ее последствия 
12  (4.55%)
6. Развитие пейрингов с Локи (торолоки, фростайрон, Клинт/Локи, Локи/Наташа, Локи/Танос) 
34  (12.88%)
7. Кто из персонажей умрет, а кто выживет 
46  (17.42%)
8. Мне интересно все перечисленное 
13  (4.92%)
9. Ничего не интересует, кроме Локи, без него на кину не пойду 
29  (10.98%)
41  (15.53%)
Всего:   264
Всего проголосовало: 85

@темы: локиправда

15.03.2018 в 00:48

Где веселые упоросы? Где порноночи и горячий пикспам?
Вноси, анош! :)
Я готов упоротья хоть сейчас - но нужна тема.
15.03.2018 в 00:52

Где порноночи и горячий пикспам?
Запрет на 18+ в тредах Дежурки
15.03.2018 в 00:53

Я ОЧЕНЬ ЛЮБЛЮ ЛОКИЧКУ :heart: :heart: :heart:

изображение изображение
изображение изображение
изображение изображение
изображение изображение
15.03.2018 в 00:54

Где пьяные стишки и пошлые частушки? Где тредные фанфики? Почему исчезли веселые аноны?
Все нормальные разбежались с тех пор, как в тред пришли всякие Царицы, вахтерши и срачные аноны с политикой:nope: Остались одни няньки и зануды с протухшими от чрезмерной серьезности устрицами - какие уж тут горячие ночки:-(
15.03.2018 в 00:57

Запрет на 18+ в тредах Дежурки
За что стоит сказать отдельное спасибо рурэперам:hang:
15.03.2018 в 01:08

Не гоните на руреперов. У них почему-то упоросов не убавилось. И прон они постят, правда под катом.

Так шо все в руках желающих. Что до хуефей и цариц, то мне насрать. Душа просит веселья. Давайте упоремся? Какие самые упоротые фанфы на одну страничку с Локи знаете?
15.03.2018 в 01:13

Куда разбежались? Где их искать? Шо ни у кого не осталось в загашнике локеугодного прона? Шо анону самому лезть в свои закромы? Ыхыхы
15.03.2018 в 01:17

От! ПорноХиддлс и змиюки уже есть, начало положено! Ииииихаааа понеслась! Конда!
15.03.2018 в 01:20

Эхх, не вспомню я сейчас упоросных фанфиков:nope: Разве только самим сочинить - например, о том, как после сакаарской разгульной жизни у Локи сильно протухла устрица и стала пахнуть совсем не морепродуктами, а той свалкой, на которую Тор имел несчастье свалиться, так ведь прибегут зануды и забухтят, еще и на выпил такой фанф понесут:bubu:
15.03.2018 в 01:21

а потом Стрэндж в ВБ такой:

15.03.2018 в 01:25

Предлагаю запилить голосилку)) Что-то типа "Чем пахнет пердеж Локи, милый анончик?"
Вариант "Локи не пердит!" не рассматриваем:-D
15.03.2018 в 01:34

Где пьяные стишки и пошлые частушки? Где тредные фанфики? Почему исчезли веселые аноны?
Все нормальные разбежались с тех пор, как в тред пришли всякие Царицы, вахтерши и срачные аноны с политикой Остались одни няньки и зануды с протухшими от чрезмерной серьезности устрицами - какие уж тут горячие ночки

Всё благодаря тебе, бородавочник.
15.03.2018 в 01:34

в 01:20
А почему бы те про свою устрицу такой фанф не запилить? Посмеёмся вместе, гарантирую) :evil:
15.03.2018 в 01:36

Эхх, не вспомню я сейчас упоросных фанфиков Разве только самим сочинить - например, о том, как после сакаарской разгульной жизни у Локи сильно протухла устрица и стала пахнуть совсем не морепродуктами, а той свалкой, на которую Тор имел несчастье свалиться, так ведь прибегут зануды и забухтят, еще и на выпил такой фанф понесут

Блядь, как же ты заебал, тварь вонючая. С кем ты трахаешься, что у тебя везде бородавки и вонючая пизда? Хотя о чем я, ты же сам писал, что вокруг тебя одни алкаши с блевотиной в волосах.
15.03.2018 в 01:42

«Banner knows probably more about Thanos than probably anybody and he’s really trying to impress on everybody how dangerous he is, it’s a little bit of a Chicken Little [scenario]. He comes in screaming bloody murder…He’s seen what damage he can cause and how powerful he is and the entire group is in disarray, so he’s also getting caught up on what’s happened here and is trying to get them to transcend their differences and impress upon them how much danger they’re actually facing.
— Mark Ruffalo on Bruce Banner/The Hulk in Infinity War

Once again I think he’s trying to find his place in the line-up. He’s having some difficulties integrating with the rest of the group, but he’s also privy to some information that is essential for their survival.
— Mark Ruffalo talking about Bruce Banner/The Hulk in Infinity War»

15.03.2018 в 01:44


Over the next month, Nerdist will be rolling out new details about Avengers: Infinity War, all uncovered while visiting its Atlanta set last summer. To kick things off, we’re diving into our paired interview with Chadwick Boseman and Mark Ruffalo, who shared what Black Panther and Hulk have been up to in between Thor: Ragnarok, Black Panther and Infinity War.

Ruffalo revealed that Thor and Hulk might be the first to face Thanos, saying, “[Hulk] went to another dimension for a little while and met up with his good pal, Thor. And they went on an intergalactic buddy trip, and then he came back. We were introduced to Thanos after doing a lot of fighting, and now he’s been brought back together with the Avengers.”

To return from the cosmos and discover that his fellow Avengers battled each other in Captain America: Civil War comes as a shock to Hulk/Bruce Banner. “Coming out of Thor 3,” Ruffalo said, “Banner doesn’t understand Civil War. He just doesn’t get it.” After so much time as Hulk, adjusting to being Banner in the midst of post-Civil War Avengers is rough. “I think he’s trying to find his place in the lineup. He’s having some difficulties integrating with the rest of the group, but he’s also privy to some information that is essential for their survival.”

Ruffalo declined to explain that essential info any further, but he did offer great news for Science Bros fans. Tony and Banner will be paired for hijinks once more. “Oh yeah, there’s great Science Bros’ stuff,” he assured us.

Long before we’d seen the glory of Black Panther, we sat down with Boseman who spoke to us in his Wakandan accent as he offered details on how his solo film would pave the way for Infinity War.

As we saw in Black Panther, princess Shuri’s vibranium-centric inventions put Tony Stark’s stuff to shame. So when Thanos descends to bring terror, the Avengers turn to King T’Challa and his nation’s MCU-changing tech for help.

Ruffalo teased that Wakanda’s tech is “hugely” important in Infinity War. Boseman said, “You definitely see where some of the gap is [between Wakandan tech and the rest of the world]. You see where the gap is and what some things we’re able to do that they’re not able to do.”

On set, Nerdist got to watch the Avengers’ arrival in Wakanda. We witnessed the filming of a scene where bearded and battered Captain America, blond Black Widow, wounded Vision, concerned Scarlet Witch, cocky Falcon, reserved War Machine, and an ever-schlubby Banner all disembark from the Quinjet to greet T’Challa, flanked by the Dora Milaje, with the Winter Soldier in tow.

In the scene, Bucky has a metal arm, as seen in the trailers. This suggests that the Winter Soldier’s new weapon is Wakandan tech, likely made of vibranium. But his isn’t the only upgrade Wakanda will roll out. Though tight-lipped, Boseman promised the Black Panther suit would get an update too.

“There are alterations but I cannot be specific about those things,” Boseman said. “From Black Panther you’re going into the world of Wakanda, they’re more technologically advanced than any other nation on the planet so you’re seeing some gadgets and technology and the merger of those things that you didn’t see in Civil War.”

Asked what the Wakandans–specifically his fearsome female bodyguards–think of the Avengers rolling into the long-isolated nation, Ruffalo interjected, “There goes the neighborhood.”

“There goes the neighborhood,” Boseman smiled, “That is a good way of saying it.”»

15.03.2018 в 01:46

А почему бы те про свою устрицу такой фанф не запилить? Посмеёмся вместе, гарантирую)
Нуашто, я бы попробовал))) Только покусают ведь нас тут:-D
15.03.2018 в 01:48

вот пожалуйста, во мне уже бородавочника пронзают:gigi: не бородавочник я, узбагойся))
15.03.2018 в 01:48

Chadwick Boseman & Mark Ruffalo Talk ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ [Set Interview]

«In June of 2017, I traveled to Atlanta, Georgia to visit the set of Avengers: Infinity War. We were on set for a scene featuring a bunch of Avengers arriving in Wakanda. We will be rolling out of coverage from the set over the next few weeks, but today, I bring you our roundtable interview with Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman and the Incredible Hulk himself, Mark Ruffalo.

The two stars tell us how they fit into the dynamic created by Thanos in this film, the evolution of the Hulk, his relationship with Black Widow, the changes in Black Panther’s suit, the differences from the comics, interacting with characters they haven’t encountered on screen before, why Wakanda plays a central role in this adventure, and much more. Below, read our full Chadwick Boseman Mark Ruffalo Infinity War interview.

What can each of you tell us about what your character has been doing since we will have last seen them, which I guess will be Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther?

Boseman: My character just cut an album. [all laugh] He’s been on tour….My character, obviously we just finished shooting the Black Panther movie and in that movie he’s just trying to recover from his father dying, trying to restore order in Wakanda, and the rest of it you have to wait for…

Ruffalo: [Hulk] went to another dimension for a little while and met up with his pal, good pal, Thor, and they went on an intergalactic buddy trip, and then he came back. We were introduced to Thanos after doing a lot of fighting, and now he’s been brought back together with the Avengers.

What’s the reaction between your two characters meeting each other? How does The Hulk react to Black Panther and how does Black Panther react to him?

Boseman: I have not had the opportunity to get to know him yet.

Ruffalo: But I immediately see him and feel that he’s royalty and feel that the respectful thing to do is bow down to him.

What’s your dynamic been like with the rest of the Avengers? Obviously, he’s seen some shit over the multiverse and now he’s back and he missed out on civil war, what’s that like getting back into the team again?

Ruffalo: Once again I think he’s trying to find his place in the line-up. He’s having some difficulties integrating with the rest of the group, but he’s also privy to some information that is essential for their survival.

Chadwick, we know that the tone of Black Panther and the character overall is really at odds with like Guardians of the Galaxy tone for instance, those two movies couldn’t be more different in that way. What’s it like for your character, as much as you can say, to get involved with Peter Quill and all those people?

Boseman: You know, that is a good question. No, no, Seriously, because that is the difficulty in making a movie like this, you have to see the flavor of each one of them. So, I think what is good is that in this situation, you’re seeing them in my world. They’re in my wold so it’s interesting to have them enter our space, which is not something that happens all of the time. I think it’s important for us to give the flavor of Wakanda, and they’re really adjusting to our space, so that will be part of the fun of the movie. And the Guardians entering it…obviously, there is a clash, all of that is conflict but it’s not conflict between us necessarily, so, but it is an emotional, psychological, social conflict.

What can you say about the scene that you’re shooting today? The Avengers are coming to Wakanda to talk to you and your people.

Boseman: Are you asking why are they here? … You have a world problem with Thanos, a problem that affects everyone in the world. So Wakanda is on the world stage and we’re obviously advanced in a way where we can help with the situation, so that is all that’s happening here.

What do your characters think of Thanos? What does Banner and Hulk think of Thanos and what does Black Panther think of Thanos?

Boseman: You know, it’s not..we don’t have time really…there’s not a long-running personal conflict for us, there are other characters who have that. We’re just dealing with the situation at hand and we know he is a threat to all of us, but in terms of, do I not like him because his style or something like that? I don’t have the opportunity to do it.

Ruffalo: Banner knows probably more about Thanos than probably anybody and he’s really trying to impress on everybody how dangerous he is, it’s a little bit of a Chicken Little [scenario]. He comes in screaming bloody murder…He’s seen what damage he can cause and how powerful he is and the entire group is in disarray, so he’s also getting caught up on what’s happened here and is trying to get them to transcend their differences and impress upon them how much danger they’re actually facing.

That sounds like a very good Banner reaction. Does The Hulk feel any differently?

Ruffalo: The Hulk is also mightily impressed by Thanos.

In a lot of those stories with Thanos, Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity War, Hulk is at a place where is speaking in complete sentences. Is he doing that here?

Ruffalo: Really little, little ones.

Is he still monosyllabic in this?

Ruffalo: Uhm…We’re starting to find a Hulk…the division between Hulk and Banner is starting to blur a little bit and so you have a Hulk that can actually express himself without being angry. There are sentences, yes. We’re getting into like a five-year-old.

How much of being terrified of Thanos is carryover from Ragnarok versus happening in the beginning of this movie?

Ruffalo: So Ragnarok will be out by then…it starts in Ragnarok…»

15.03.2018 в 01:49

Chadwick Boseman & Mark Ruffalo Talk ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ [Set Interview]


«Speaking to the last time we saw Banner and Black Widow together, they were at a very critical moment, I’m curious to how that might be explored in this film.

Ruffalo: In this film? They’re star-crossed lovers, so it’ll be something they’re dealing with for the rest of their living days, I think. Whether it’s requited or unrequited, I don’t imagine that’s gonna go away anytime soon in one iteration or another.

What are some of the days where you have the biggest amount of cast on set? I don’t know what you guys have shot so far, but I’m sure there’s stuff with even more characters than there are today.

Ruffalo: Way more. This is the first day we’ve had so many different people together. This is the biggest cast together.

Boseman: I can tell you what it feels like today…It’s fun to see, especially because we have not had a lot of opportunities to work together and when you look at actors that you respect and revere and you see them doing their things, it’s not just about the characters but the cast members. It’s fun to listen to people tell stories. It’s a lot of pressure […] I don’t have time to joke when we are shooting Black Panther, it’s serious all the time. But in this case, you don’t have all the weight on your shoulders, so you have more comfort. We’re sharing the weight. Which is actually what’s happening with the superheroes as well, because they could not deal with Thanos alone. I think there is a lot of comfort in having people who are so good around you.

As you’re shooting this, neither Ragnarok or Black Panther are out yet, so without having seen the finished movie, what is it like dealing with the character?

Boseman: For me, it does not make a difference because once the movie is out, I don’t watch it anymore anyway so my perspective is only from being inside it, and we just finished so it’s like I’m just carrying on the story.

Ruffalo: I’d say the same.

Mark, can you talk about the evolution the Avengers films from the first one? Are your challenges going into that one and having the audience respond to them, how that might have evolved into Ultron and how it feels going into this one now? Are they treated like different projects when you come around to them?

Ruffalo: Oddly enough, I joke with people that this is like doing a TV show where you shoot one episode every three years. There’s a continuity to it and when we talked about it with Marvel or Kevin, we really do talk about it as the character’s progression and where…I’ve been able to have a lot of say in where it goes and you’re also dealing with a new sсript and a new world, but the characters feel like they’re making a journey, you know? And it does feel like one goes to the next and goes to the next. It feels like a long serial which is nice, I think.

Chadwick, from movie to movie, we’ve seen a lot of characters that get new suits, new gadgets. What can you say about Black Panther’s costume from this new movie. Do you have any vehicles or is there any alterations to your suit that we’re going to see?

Boseman: You know… Yes, there are alterations to the suit. I lost a little weight so the altering…No, I’m joking. There are alterations but I think it’s more so, I cannot be specific about those things. From Black Panther, you’re going into the world of Wakanda, they’re more technologically advanced than any other nation on the planet, so you’re seeing some gadgets and technology and the merger of those things with spiritually in that way that you didn’t see in Civil War. But that is because you’re coming into their space, so yes, the answer is yes, I’m not going to tell you what it is.

For both of you, where there any specific comic books that you read to help you prepare for this movie?

Ruffalo: This one we’re like in new territory, really.

Boseman: It’s different in this one, I don’t know how to explain it. It’s just because we’re in so many different places.

Ruffalo: And it’s so different from the comic books. There’s elements that are clearly the same but when you really start to get into the story everything changes. I did…Planet Hulk was a big influence for Thor 3, and the idea, the inkling of World War Hulk starts to…I read [that] way before doing this and there’s some interesting stuff in there, but honestly nothing so far directly related to this.

You didn’t read Infinity Gauntlet or any of those?

Ruffalo: Yeah, that is informative as well, but then again it just gets so…off of that topic that it starts to become a little confusing where you’re like “Why isn’t this in there? Why are we doing this?”

Boseman: It actually takes away from what is actually happening in front of you I think, in this case.

Character-wise, are there interactions that your characters get to have with people that they haven’t that you’re excited for.

Ruffalo: Maybe

Boseman: Yes, I think so. Again without being specific, because we can’t get too into [it].

Ruffalo: What generally ends up happening too is we find stuff as we’re going along. This is the first time we’re together, so we have a whole giant sequence coming up where we could interact, you don’t really know. A lot of the pages we’re just getting the morning that we’re shooting because it’s so secretive too. Just today, Don Cheadle and I never really had any kind of a thing and all today all of a sudden there is something there.

Is there anyone you want your character [to do] or you’re hoping your characters get to interact with?

Ruffalo: I’d love to more stuff to with him [Boseman]. I think it’s really funny to have Banner and him together, I think that’s really interesting.

Where do Tony and Bruce pick back up?

Ruffalo: Well, coming out of Thor 3, Banner’s had a life changing experience in Thor 3 that makes him much more expressive and not so internalized, you know? So it’s not combative, but they’re not so in-sync as they were. Plus, Banner doesn’t understand Civil War. He just doesn’t get it.

Speaking to Tony and Banner, is this gonna be a movie that Science Bros. fans will be stoked about? I know you’re aware of this…

Ruffalo: Oh yeah, there’s great Science Bros. stuff. There’s good Science Bros. stuff. We’re paired up again.

I was gonna ask about that because previously these guys were the brains. But now with T’Challa and his family and the Wakandan people, [who] are so far beyond that in tech. How does that play out, that relationship? And how essential are Wakandans to defending Earth?

Ruffalo: Hugely.

Boseman: You definitely see where some of the gap is…You see where the gap is and what some things we’re able to do that they’re not able to do and that one you will definitely find.

Ruffalo: There’s no way to overcome what they’re facing without in some way coming to terms with their differences and embracing their diversity. That’s essentially a core value of the film and that together, only together, can they triumph.

What is the Dora Milaje’s reaction to all these Avengers and maybe the Guardians, if they meet them?

Boseman: About them coming into the country?

Yeah, just meeting them, what’s their reaction.

Boseman: You would have to ask one of them, but the initial entry of them into the country is definitely like “Are you sure about this? Are you sure you want to let them in?”

Ruffalo: There goes the neighborhood.

Boseman: There goes the neighborhood, that is a good way of saying it.»

15.03.2018 в 01:52

The Avengers go to Wakanda - Infinity War Sequence Detailed

«*Warning: This post contains minor spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War*

In June 2017 we visited the Infinity War set in Atlanta to see how that magic was happening and we came on a day that couldn’t have been better timed given the current record-breaking success of Black Panther. Below is some background and a detailed explanation of what we saw on set. Keep in mind, that when we visited they were on day 59 of shooting and the plan (at that time and was changed) was for them to shoot until July 14th, and take a three-week break for pickups before coming back to shoot Avengers 4. Throughout principal photography production had been taking frequent shooting breaks it seems due to scheduling, hence why it’s only day 59 when they began shooting in February 2017 (when that infamous Tom Holland-Chris Pratt-Robert Downey Jr. video was released). Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther hadn’t opened in theaters yet.

The day starts early and we shuttle to an outdoor shooting area on the backlot of Pinewood Atlanta Studio (where the Captain America: Civil War airport sequence and Spider-Man: Homecoming ferry scenes were shot on previous productions) and walk up to large green screen setup surrounding a practical setup. There’s a Quinjet that just landed in Wakanda on a launchpad within some protected future-prison-like fenced area (think more tech-y Jurassic Parkfence). The Avengers are there to meet and warn T’Challa of potential danger and are seeking aid for Vision who took severe damage in their previous battle, perhaps even losing the Mind Stone.

T’Challa, the Dora Milaje, and several male Wakandan guards approach the Quinjet in perfect formation alongside T’Challa who’s wearing long blue royal garb. The Dora Milaje are wearing the familiar red outfit as seen in Black Panther and all are armed with Vibranium spears. Okoye (Danai Gurira), their General, is there too. They’re very formal and walk in perfect formation, even standing in lines to the side during T’Challa’s conversation with the Avengers. The male guards are more in purple with bulkier armor gold plate on center chest, possibly representing the River Tribe. The Dora Milaje noticably always stay closest to T’Challa. In lines, they are the front line.

Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), in a darker look, torn up Cap costume (a nod to the Nomad getup from Marvel Comics) leads the Avengers out of the Quinjet ramp toward T’Challa’s envoy. Right beside him walks Black Widow sporting an all-new look with short white-blonde hair, armor, and a dark green tunic of sorts. Both look like badass freedom fighters and Rogers now has slicked back, longer, darker golden hair, and a full-on beard and you’d be forgiven for mistaking him for Chris Hemsworth at a glance.

Behind them are Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) and Rhodey (Don Cheadle), Banner wearing his nicer casual clothes, purple button-down shirt included, and awkwardly tossing on a suit jacket as Rhodey pats him on shoulder (it’s Cheadle’s first day on set). Falcon is with them as well with the same costume/gear he had in in Civil War. Cap’s costume is also his Civil War outfit as well, just dirtied up, missing the silver chest star which appears to have been torn off. Somehow, Cap’s team got all their stuff back in the two years since Civil War).

Cheadle’s wearing mostly black with a performance shirt and dark jacket, but has an exoskeleton leg rig of sorts so he can walk. It’s something Stark made and has the Stark Industries logo on it.

Several male guards with spears walk past Rogers’ team as they’re exiting the ramp to assist Wanda Maximoff a.k.a. Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) and it’s very evident they’re in a relationship. Vision is holding the side of his stomach and there are orange mocap dots there and on his lower back for visual effect in post. He’s been skewered straight through in whatever battle with the forces of Thanos that they’re fleeing from. Wanda walks with him, her arm on his shoulder and they continue on, skipping the meet and greet, Wanda noticing Bucky as he approaches from the corner.

Note: The scene takes place two-thirds through film as we learn later in day so the characters are very aware of the current threat and have been in battles already. The Avengers are there to warn Wakanda and the final battle of movie may take place here.

Later in the day when watching more shooting from other angles, we see that Bucky is also there waiting with T’Challa and walks up and hugs Steve. He’s got even longer hair, is wearing a dark blue Cap-esque jacket and his new metal arm is a darker metal, clearly made of Wakandan tech. He’s been frozen most of the time since Civil War we’re told but since waking up has been learning and undergoing therapy.

Here’s the gist of what’s said as characters meet here:

“How big an assault?” asks T’Challa. “Quite an assault, sir,” Cap replies.” “Well I have my King’s Guard, the Dora Milaje…” “And a semi-stable 100 year old man,” says a voice off screen. It’s Bucky, hair longer than ever. He looks reformed, healthy and calm.

“How you doing, Buck?” Cap asks. “Not bad,” Bucky says. “So…little green men?” Bucky asks “Not little. Not green,” says Widow. Wilson (Anthony Mackie) then expresses some doubts about Bucky’s mental state: “I just want to make sure you aren’t going to snap when someone says baloney sandwich,” he says. “Not baloney,” says Bucky. “Eggplant? Rancho Cucamonga?” Falcon retorts, though these were improvised and different each take and will likely change. He then tells Bucky, “I still hate you.”

If you loved the Bucky-Wilson banter from Captain America: Civil War, that continues here.

After this point in the film it’s clear Thanos begins invading Wakanda (here’s a behind-the-scenes look at this Wakandan battle) as we see from the first Avengers: Infinity War trailer and marketing materials with the alien Outriders (six-legged alien dogs) leading the charge against the united forces of Earth, backed by the advanced tech and armies of Wakanda.

The Outriders are straight from Marvel Comics, a bio-engineered force that’s used as the first wave of invasion on less-advanced planets. In this case, Earth is the primitive target of Thanos and his Black Order. As for Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Iron Man, and the Guardians of the Galaxy – they’re not part of this sequence.»

15.03.2018 в 01:54

One Avenger Is Badly Injured In The Infinity War Scene I Was Able To Watch Them Film

«The scene is so unusual, so foreign to what we expect to see, it takes a few minutes to process. A Quinjet, the Avengers’ mode of transportation, has parked in Wakanda. King T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman), surrounded by the Dora Milaje and a revived Bucky (Sebastian Stan), are preparing to greet Captain America (Chris Evans), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) and a handful of Avengers. But one team member is hurt. Bad. And the team is visibly shaken.

How on Earth did we get to this point?

CinemaBlend traveled to the Atlanta set of Joe and Anthony Russo’s Avengers: Infinity War last year, and in addition to interviewing the cast and touring several sets, we watched the siblings direct the scene above. At the time of the filming, Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther hadn’t yet been screened, so we had no clue how Bruce Banner made it back home from the alien planet of Sakaar. Nor did we understand that the mysterious African nation of Wakanda would be unveiled to the world population. Seeing the Avengers in Wakanda at the time of this set visit was highly unusual. But we were distracted by the fact that Vision (Paul Bettany) appeared to be badly injured, tended to by Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) as the lovers deplaned off the Quinjet.

We will have more on Vision and Wanda’s relationship in the coming weeks, as Bettany and Olsen open up to us about the state of their affair. But in this scene, we see the android limping as he clutches his side. Scarlet Witch all but has to carry him. A battle has occurred, and Vision took the brunt of a serious attack. Could it be because of the Infinity Stone we know resides in his forehead?

That question wasn’t answered fully until the first Avengers: Infinity War trailer was released. In it, we see members of Thanos’ Black Order attacking Vision, trying to pry the Mind Stone away. They’ve failed. Vision retains the Stone in the scene we watched them film. But Captain America appeals to Black Panther. They need help repairing Vision. And they need an army to brace for what’s coming.

It has since been revealed by Joe and Anthony Russo in recent interviews that Wakanda will be the setting of the third-act battle in Avengers: Infinity War. And from what we have been able to deduce, watching them film this scene, Thanos(Josh Brolin) will be invading T'Challa’s neighborhood to retrieve the valuable Stone – perhaps the last one he needs to bring the powerful Infinity Gauntlet to life? It has been suggested, though far from confirmed, that Avengers: Infinity War could end on a downbeat cliffhanger, with the heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe failing to stop Thanos, and the Mad Titan obtaining all of the Stones. How crazy of a bold maneuver would that be?»

15.03.2018 в 02:01

@Russo_Brothers 1 час назад
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE TRAILER INFINITY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
15.03.2018 в 02:06

Plus, Banner doesn’t understand Civil War. He just doesn’t get it.
Это моя любимая часть :lol: Вот не зря были все фаноны и мемасики про то как сваливается Беннер на землю и такой "ну охуеть теперь, меня не было два года, а вы тут все разосраться успели?!" :lol: