Тред по Sherlock BBC. Здесь собираются, чтобы обсудить, поспорить и померяться чем угодно: сериал, каст, версии, теории, дедукцЫи, спойлеры, ОТП, РПС, пейринги, сценарии, арты, фики, видео... и даже сопутствующий оффтоп. Упорос наше всё, выдроежики наш талисман. Может быть опасно. Welcome!

Правила ШП

Предыдущие темы: 1-680, ..., 711, 712, 713.

Вопрос: Лучший подарок Огурцу на ДР
1. Луша подарит еще одну книжку, где гг страдает и мучается 
7  (5%)
2. Оливка - фотоальбом с фотками, на которых Бен упорото счастливый 
8  (5.71%)
3. Марк - трёхтомную экшн-поэму собственного сочинения 
10  (7.14%)
4. Файги - сценарий зажигательного промо с РДЖ 
8  (5.71%)
5. Мартин оденет сигнализирующий джемпер с план-схемой бойлерной 
20  (14.29%)
6. Руффало подарит в 2 раза больше вожделеющих взглядов 
15  (10.71%)
7. Паучок станцует и напишет "хэппи бёздэй" изгибами своего тела 
17  (12.14%)
8. Томме подарит новый стек и покажет как его еще можно использовать 
14  (10%)
9. ШП-аноны подготовили поздравительные стихи и арты, но при виде именинника обмахались все и потеряли сознание 
19  (13.57%)
10. Выдроёжики - свою любовь, уважение и самые искренние поздравления 
22  (15.71%)
Всего:   140
Всего проголосовало: 47

@темы: шерлокоправда

29.07.2017 в 18:29

А не отвечать, будто реально надо акцентировать на своем гетеростатусе.
он так шутил
29.07.2017 в 18:32

А не отвечать, будто реально надо акцентировать на своем гетеростатусе.
Он и ответил в шутку, это же ясно.
29.07.2017 в 18:33

Вот и зря. Уж Жанинка развернулась бы на пасеке. Мед от фирмы "Супруги Холмс" поставлялся бы по всей Британии и ко двору королевы. Шерлок купил бы поместье в Сассексе и раскрывал преступления исключительно для интеллектуальной тренировки, сидя на террасе с видом на море.

да ну ее, такая предприимчивая съест с потрохами и добавки попросит
29.07.2017 в 18:34

да ну ее, такая предприимчивая съест с потрохами и добавки попросит

А унылая Молли лучше, что ли?
29.07.2017 в 18:41

Присоединюсь к анонам с шуткой, это про то что он женат и не "пробует" костюмы чужих бар, а не про наряжаться.
29.07.2017 в 18:47

Хороший такой Марципан в Карго. Куда лучше 4сезонного Джонне, прастити
Когда фильм-то выйдет в прокат, известно?
29.07.2017 в 18:48

УГ Молли Гейтисс предпринял как наименьшую угрозу. Моффат подмахнул, не глядя.


Дали б деньги на s5.
29.07.2017 в 18:58

А унылая Молли лучше, что ли?

никто не лучше, поэтому Шерлок никого не любит и хорошо
29.07.2017 в 19:20

Шерлок никого не любит и хорошо
И его никто не любит, кроме верной Молли. Сделали из Шерлока суперсекси, а бабы не кидаются на него, неправдоподобно.
29.07.2017 в 19:26

без перерыва?
29.07.2017 в 19:31

Сделали из Шерлока суперсекси, а бабы не кидаются на него, неправдоподобно.
Ну, анон, фломастеры же дело индивидуальное. Для меня, например, Шерлок абсолютно сексуально непривлекателен. И я не одинок в этом.
29.07.2017 в 19:32

иди нахуй!
29.07.2017 в 19:33

-talked at length about how much he liked rdj, and admires him (actually called him R-D-J) also said he loves mark ruffalo and joked that tom holland was “terrifying”- he loves his dr strange costume more than their avenger costumes

ВЫКУСИТЕ, СУЧКИ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
29.07.2017 в 19:34

девочка с опахалом))
My new job. I'm not very good at it. Boiling hot at Olympia
29.07.2017 в 19:41

Огур - london film & comic con
29.07.2017 в 19:42

Огур - london film & comic con
29.07.2017 в 20:00

«Benedict’s LFCC talk!

-He saw a little girl dressed as Thor and squealed “HELLO” at her and waved and made sure she specifically got the mic and he admired her little hammer and called her “thorina”. She got a little teary and overwhelmed when she started to speak to him (must have been like 5-6, super tiny) and her mum said “she just wants to know what your favourite colour is” and he stood and did a little dance gesture for her and was like “look at what I’m wearing!” (All blue) and she didn’t get it and he sing-song ed “the colours of the sea and the skyyy” and she shouted BLUE finally and benedict and everyone else applauded her.
-a girl stood up and he was like “i cant see you, stand up” and then was like oh shit because she WAS and he just couldn’t see her behind everyone (she laughed too)
-everyone who asked a question he would literally lean right forward and smile so warmly and look them in the eye - there was so much love and laughter in the room
-a really nice girl with a cool jacket stood up in front of me and before her question she told him thankyou because he had got her through some extremely difficult times and he made her very happy - he seemed moved and touched and told her thankyou very much for saying so. When she sat down she was a little teary n tbh I nearly cried as well because I think that’s true for a lot of us in the fandom and I’m glad he got to hear the words from someone
-when a security/con crew man was shouting instructions outside (i believe that’s what it was) benedict did a jokey “shuttttt UpppPPP” back at him and it got a round of applause because it had been annoying everyone 😂
-when answering a comparative questions between sherlock and Dr strange he kept gesturing to the cardboard cutouts beside him of each like ‘one is new York one is london" and then jumped up to check it WAS actually a picture of sherlock he was pointing to and not smaug
-when a fan said they came from brasil he made everyone do a big round of applause. When she asked about “Rio” he clarified that while the sсript may be called that NOW they are working on it and it is probably going to be shot/set somewhere else. He apologised to the brasil fans and said st about filming there one day for them!
-he talked about the child in time (almost unprompted) his heart seems deep in it. He says he is so proud of it and it’s their productions company’s first proper project, he also said that the character of Stephen he plays in the child in time is perhaps the closest to his real self out of all the other characters he has recently played like sherlock or strange
-he became suddenly mystified by a bit of grass on his shoe and launched an investigation into who put it there “is someone here dressed as grass” lol he is a weirdo
-talked about how he is aware that some of his characters are role models to people - especially touched on the “im a doctor, I do no harm” scene in dr strange. Said he doesn’t want to play perfect people, and he is also aware that we live in a diverse world and “one persons role model could be another’s villain!” But yes he is aware of age and children watching his stuff
-coming off that he joked about how some parents come up to him with a 5 year old like THEY LOVE SHERLOCK and he was like lol do they because he takes drugs and is a “creature of the night” (lol) and so it’s a bit weird
-saw big dave the bodyguard making vigorous hand signals towards benedict who kept on talking anyway (surprise surprise)
-when the interviewer/host asked a simple question like how he began acting he gestured to us all and said “they already know all this bit” yes he knows we know everything
-he mentioned that he is probably about to take a role that he’s been offered which is unlike anything he has ever done before. He says the fact that he has literally never done it is the reason he SHOULD
-said he’d like to go back and do hamlet again because there’s always more to explore. Thanked a girl who said she came to see it last year (big up the hamlet summer) and he shaded the daily fail for how stupid they were reviewing the early showings of it before it was complete. He praised lindsey Turner and her imagination
-a girl at the back told him he has a sexy voice and he was like “well good because you can’t see me from back there” and then he did a bit of a rumble purposefully
-said he’d love to do more cabin pressure and “start the alphabet again”, also said that the grinch is coming along nicely!
-he got asked about roles he’d love to do and then somehow turned it back on the audience into a shout-out game of who’d WE would like him to play - lots of funny ideas and he listened to all that he heard! Made people repeat themselves if he didn’t catch it the first time! quite a few bond or bond villains suggestions lol, someone said Mr Darcy and he was like “MR DARCY????”
-he said a deadpool cosplayer in the photo bit had asked him to hold a toy gun and it made him feel a bit icky and he had a moral crisis and didn’t hold it up in the end I don’t think
-talked at length about how much he liked rdj, and admires him (actually called him R-D-J) also said he loves mark ruffalo and joked that tom holland was “terrifying”- he loves his dr strange costume more than their avenger costumes
-the cloak and sherlocks coat are both a “pain in the arse”
-was her nervous to do infinity war? “FUCK YEAH”
That’s mostly what I remember! More than anything I won’t forget just how lovely and patient he was, all this warmth he radiated, he just seemed so silly and energetic and funny and happy to be there, he gave loads of love to the crowd and they gave loads back. Was the best.»

29.07.2017 в 20:08

идущий Огур
Удивляюсь я этим ботинкам. Такие впору лондонской зимой носить, а не в июле.
29.07.2017 в 20:11

И его никто не любит, кроме верной Молли. Сделали из Шерлока суперсекси, а бабы не кидаются на него, неправдоподобно.

а откуда в "Шерлоке" бабы, чтоб им на него кидаться?
29.07.2017 в 20:28

а откуда в "Шерлоке" бабы, чтоб им на него кидаться?

Ну он же не в вакууме живет. В Бартсе, в полиции должно быть полно симпатичных дамочек. Да и просто в силу своей работы он общается с огромным количеством людей. И ничего, одна Молли.
29.07.2017 в 20:35

Огур - london film & comic con
фото с панели
29.07.2017 в 20:37

фото с панели
29.07.2017 в 20:45

Ну он же не в вакууме живет. В Бартсе, в полиции должно быть полно симпатичных дамочек. Да и просто в силу своей работы он общается с огромным количеством людей.

так каноном это не предусмотрено
29.07.2017 в 20:46

Удивляюсь я этим ботинкам. Такие впору лондонской зимой носить, а не в июле.

ему после съемок в Доке недавно, в полном обмундировании и говнодавах тех, в Атланте, при плюс 30, уже теперь ничего нестрашно)