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словарь мемов для новичков | рисовалка | склад голосовалок | копилка | выдроежики
Рекомендации шерлокофанфиков | Рекомендации мультифендомных фанфиков | Пост ориджиналов |
Обзоры фандома | Главсоо
Предыдущие темы: 1-500 , ... , 626, 627, 628.
Вопрос: Цветник ШП
1. ОРХИДЕИ ЕЩЕ НЕ ЗАЦВЕЛИ! (С) | 27 | (12.92%) | |
2. Наши английские розы самые нежные и английские | 21 | (10.05%) | |
3. А он им эта... эдельвейсы потоптал | 17 | (8.13%) | |
4. Жопа в герберах - это было пиздец как красиво, Шерлок (с)) | 20 | (9.57%) | |
5. Ебались мышки в лютиках! | 21 | (10.05%) | |
6. У нас есть Великолепный Бордовый Георгин! | 9 | (4.31%) | |
7. Кактус, который мы жрем, начиная с 3с | 24 | (11.48%) | |
8. Подорожник! Подорожника всем горящим за мой счет!) | 16 | (7.66%) | |
9. Бергамот цветет в ШП очень буйно | 24 | (11.48%) | |
10. Выдроёжики пользуют травки мсс Хадсон | 30 | (14.35%) | |
Всего: | 209 Всего проголосовало: 68 |
вынесите это в массы
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никуда его не отбрасываем, они с Шерлоком ножками соединившись основу сердечка и составляют, другие лишь фон для их любви!
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И поэмы Мэри слать!
Джон - безвольный он гондон!
Нафиг мне не нужен он!
Джон: Да и Шерлок взад пошел
Без него мне хорошо.
Моя Мерька - вот мой свет,
Хоть надутая, хоть нет.
Хор мальчиков Гейтиссов:
Гой еси, еси гой
Джон обманутый пиздой!
Гой еси, еси гой
Джон обманутый пиздой!
Мэри: Отбивалась как могла,
Убегала со двора,
Джон, лошок, прости меня,
Он настиг меня плашмя!
Гой еси, еси гой
Джон обманутый пиздой!
Хор от аффтора:
Слава Мери дорогой -
Сериал накрыт пиздой.
Это старый Мофф-дурак
Без пизды ему никак.
лол)) а Мэри конечно же Харли Квин
конечно )
да и хуй бы с ним, зачем на эти говностихи вообще внимание обращать
Angelo’s missed by Sherlock
In the hallway giggling, missed by both
Going to Chinese Restaurant interfered with by Mycroft
Obviously at the Chinese restaurant that night, missed by both
When Sherlock points out he was suggesting a date to John in TBB, missed by John
After the fight at the Chinese Circus when Sarah says she should go home and John stops her, missed by John
After the pool incident, missed by both
Putting Sherlock to bed after Irene had returned the coat, missed by John
After the Christmas Party when Jeanette had left and Sherlock returned home, missed by John
Not going after Sherlock in Battersea Power Station, missed by John
Not responding to John when he wanted to talk relationships at New Year, missed by Sherlock
The bottle of wine shopping trip when Irene has broken in and is asleep in Sherlock’s bed, interfered with by Irene
During the ‘return of Irene’s phone’ interaction in 221B, missed by both
The double room issue in HoB due to room not available
In the graveyard during HoB when Sherlock was apologising, missed by Sherlock
The breakfast chat before leaving Baskerville area, missed by both
The confirmed bachelor/why would you care discussion, both
Before Moriarty’s trial when they are in the hallway preparing to go to court, both
Handcuffed run through London, both
Sitting on Kitty’s sofa, both
After Sherlock shouts at John in 221B out of fear of Moriarty and John says he never doubts Sherlock, missed by John
The roof top scene, missed by Sherlock
Sherlock’s reappearance at the Landmark, missed by Sherlock
John going to 221b the next night sans moustache, derailed by the abductors
John going to 221b after the bonfire, missed by both
In the tube car with the bomb, missed by both
In the hallway of 221 prior to meeting the press, missed by both
Stag night on the stairs, both
Stag night Rizzla game, both
Stag night, Hand on knee, John
Stag night, I don’t mind, Sherlock
Stag night. You really aren’t getting this game are you Sherlock, missed by John
Stag night in the prison cell, both
Stag night morning after when they leave the police station, both
Dancing away with Mary after the pregnancy reveal, John
Not running after Sherlock after he realised Sherlock had left early, John
After Janine leaves in HLV when John could have demanded an explanation, John
In the lift [elevator] once John knows the engagement was fake, Sherlock
In the hospital, post shooting, John
During the time between the Watson’s domestic and the Christmas at the Holmes parent’s house, both
After killing CAM, Sherlock
On the tarmac, both
Good calls.
@1895itsallfine Yes, I am wondering if there would be that long awaited for montage of all the missed moments, and it could be very quickly shown. Or if not, just a subtextual thing that we know about.
@veni-vidi-vent-the-fuck-home. The blog is a great idea, there probably is stuff on there. One is : 46. When they are texting to each other on the ‘sex holiday’
@shawleyleres added 47. When Sherlock says ‘'when you chose her’
Кто кого троллит то?
отец же ))
ну раз собирает, значит, не дерьмо
дерьмо в прокате проваливается
DOCTOR STRANGE makes an estimated $2.03M weekend, down 55.1%, for $226.08M total through seven weekends. #DoctorStrange