Бесит, когда Локи не любят только потому, что он, видите ли, образом не совпал с прототипом из мифов. В чем проблема? Просто не смешивайте этих двух персонажей.

Правила локитреда

Клятва Ночного Дозорного

Предыдущие темы: 1-100, ..., 205, 206, 207.

Вопрос: На что будет похож Рагнарек, анон?
1. Star Wars: космические баталии, звездные штурмовики, Локи на корабле из ногтей мертвецов. 
27  (10.67%)
2. Треш, как и обещал Вайтити: What Thor do in the shadows. 
34  (13.44%)
3. Роуд муви: путешествие по мирам, дружеские перепалки, познание себя, братские обнимашки в конце. 
25  (9.88%)
4. Мстители 2,75: кому нужны Локи и Тор? больше-больше героев зеленых и разных! 
22  (8.7%)
5. Мюзикл: Том не зря учился петь, да и на вопрос, любит ли Локи танцевать, так и не ответили. 
12  (4.74%)
6. Комедия: войско взбунтовалось! говорят, царь — ненастоящий! 
27  (10.67%)
7. Политический триллер: дворцовые интриги, борьба за власть, государственный переворот, падение империи. 
24  (9.49%)
8. Ромком: Один (который Локи) отправляет Тора на поиски невесты, Халка назначает советником. 
11  (4.35%)
9. Ужасы: монстры, великаны, безнадега, моря крови, все умерли. 
28  (11.07%)
43  (17%)
Всего:   253
Всего проголосовало: 100

@темы: локиправда

28.06.2016 в 06:48

I’ve been in the Coliseum when it has been relatively empty, except for cats. Certain times of day can be less crowded because the sun is so hot and people can cluster in such a way that they’re all in one or two areas and not in others – and the ground area is off-limits so always empty. Somebody posted about going through security with them and there being very few people in the line.
28.06.2016 в 06:58

I’ve been in the Coliseum when it has been relatively empty, except for cats
Не знаю, в Колизее бывает мало народу, но редко. Всегда кто-нибудь маячит, поэтому трудно сделать фото пустой достопримечательности. А Том с подружкой там были явно в разгар дня, когда туристов на Форуме и в Колизее полно.
28.06.2016 в 06:59

The only thing I'm sure if is that these two met and immediately ran off share their teddy bear collections and ended the day by drinking tea and eating cookies they baked.
28.06.2016 в 07:00

I'm just glad the stupid Loki and Crimson Peak bullshit is off my daughter's wall. She ripped that crap down like a band-aid!!!
28.06.2016 в 07:02

I can't wait for his next interview saying how private he is or even complaining because media won't stop following his love life.
28.06.2016 в 07:09

What in the actual Fuck is this? WHO in their RIGHT mind goes from dumping their ex on a Tuesday (or whatever day that ends in Y that happened on) to kissing another dude on a beach to MEETING each other's parents in a fortnight, flat?
I see only one explanation to this fuckery. We are indeed in The Matrix and TayTay is a glitch....

It's the kind of relationship that if your friend was doing it, you'd pull them aside and go "Gurl (or Dude), you need to calm the FUCK down. What the fuck is going on?!"

It's bizarre. Even respectable news outlets are mocking it. Time Magazine online being the most recent.

I think he just loves her money, and like most lower-rung English gentry, he (and his family) dream of marrying into wealth. As someone else commented, low-level English aristocrats have been marrying wealthy American women for over 100 years. Taylor is a fucking joke to normal people - but to someone like Hiddleston and his family she is an extraordinary catch. The worst thing about all this - the thing that really boils my blood - is that Tom Swift thinks he's ENTITLED to this. It shows in every single expression, every single move he has made in the past week. Trotting out his MOTHER and SISTERS and their KIDS? He has never, ever trotted those women out for so much as an awards show or a movie premiere.
It's the wealth - I guarantee 1,000%.
28.06.2016 в 07:12

I think he just loves her money, and like most lower-rung English gentry, he (and his family) dream of marrying into wealth. As someone else commented, low-level English aristocrats have been marrying wealthy American women for over 100 years. Taylor is a fucking joke to normal people - but to someone like Hiddleston and his family she is an extraordinary catch. The worst thing about all this - the thing that really boils my blood - is that Tom Swift thinks he's ENTITLED to this. It shows in every single expression, every single move he has made in the past week. Trotting out his MOTHER and SISTERS and their KIDS? He has never, ever trotted those women out for so much as an awards show or a movie premiere.
It's the wealth - I guarantee 1,000%

Ой, вот дерьма-то навсплывало, лаверы хреновы.
28.06.2016 в 07:34

Вот же бомбит)))
28.06.2016 в 07:35

Honestly? I think this is just her. I don't think she needs an excuse to be her usual entitled, egomaniacal, narcissistic, self-involved self. There's nothing odd about what Taylor Swift is doing here. TOM is the one who looks fucking INSANE.

I am actually starting to think this is real because Taylor is usually more PR savvy (manipulatively crafty) than this.
She could steal all your money and send you a video of herself fucking your boyfriend in a bathtub full of it and somehow would manage to twist the narrative so that her fans and the general public would come at you for "being mean" to her if you called her on it. She's a professional victim and here she looks like a desperate cheater.
Something don't smell right with this stunt.

I'm at a loss as to why either of them is doing this. Do they not realize that they are a big joke, and that everyone is laughing at them? Have they lost touch with reality? Are their PR people stupid? Is this some big joke, and they'll soon reveal the punchline?

I really liked Hiddles before this. Only Lovers Left Alive is one of my favorite movies. Now I've lost all respect for him. He should have picked a better beard cause Taylor Swift is completely pathetic.

I wonder if he knows his brand is sinking fast cause of this stinky fakeness?

Me too. I wasn't a massive fan but liked him enough. Now... just smh.

Yeah. It's like '...dude why? What?'

So the paps were told to have a day off,as even Shifty herself realised how obvious and staged her fauxmance was looking.
Also I've never seen Hiddles or Calvin look so miserable as when they're with her,neither of them can force a smile out,totally different when they've escaped from her.

I just don't understand why they date her to begin with...doesn't Calvin have a shit load of money? Is it just to improve their fan base? Don't they know after they break up with her she is going to tear them apart and try to ruin their image anyway...

I don't understand it either. I get that Hiddleston really wants to be the next Bond and a "romance" with Tay Tay certainly comes with a lot of publicity. But this is the wrong target audience. Besides, Taylor is the blueprint of an everlasting mean highschool bully.

I guess they're running out the contract on this thing because everyone, including diehard Tay Tay fans, only check for this romance because the poor execution is fucking hilarious. Tay is usually better at making her show-mances work for her.

man, this guy's career was on a great trajectory... the night manager; talk about the bond gig... and now he's a fucking joke being mocked in gossip/entertainment sites and apparently completely unaware of it.

This just proves he's a thirsty, closeted mess. No sane person could be this thirsty. He's too old to be making a complete fool out of himself like this.

that's what really kills me... he's 35 fucking years old..

Yes! I don't know much about him but he must be insanely thirsty to be going on like this. He is a grown man.

I don't know. Even those who would never question the authenticity of her relationships seem to think this is a BS pairing. It feels like the jig is finally up.
28.06.2016 в 07:37

Лучше сразу табличку повесить "никакой личной жизни!". И то не такая стыдоба будет)))
28.06.2016 в 07:55

C добрым утром, анончики!


Удачного дня!
28.06.2016 в 07:57

Удачного дня!
*мрачно* Тому пожелай удачного дня, ему нужнее
28.06.2016 в 08:03

*мрачно* Тому пожелай удачного дня, ему нужнее

И ему тоже, конечно, же!

28.06.2016 в 08:06

У Тома беллиссима Италия, страна для отдыха и жизни, а не для работы и проблем)
28.06.2016 в 09:07

Все бы аноны были такие благодушные😉
28.06.2016 в 09:35

В подвальчике есть окна? :lol:
28.06.2016 в 09:37

В подвальчике есть окна?
это из свежего?)))))
28.06.2016 в 09:40

В подвальчике есть окна?
это чего такое?
28.06.2016 в 09:42

это из свежего?)))))

в комментах из контакта, пишут, что дома у матери Тома.
28.06.2016 в 09:44

в комментах из контакта, пишут, что дома у матери Тома.

Иллюминатор? Мамаша играет в ролевые игры, косплеит Джека Воробья?
28.06.2016 в 09:56

хочется фото дома. мне кажется дом очень милым и уютным.
28.06.2016 в 10:07

В подвальчике есть окна?
это чего такое?

и подвальчик милый
28.06.2016 в 10:12

На чердачное окно похоже.
28.06.2016 в 10:17

Анончик, с фиками про герцогиню...да ты же ГЕЕНИЙ!!!
Мой ржач был слышен далеко за пределами родного города!!!!!!! Пиши еще!!!

*анончик, просивший ссылки на сии творения, премного благодарствующий*
28.06.2016 в 10:40

Том счастлив, судя по всему.
28.06.2016 в 10:40

2016-06-28 в 10:39
эх, Вася, Вася....)))) (с)
28.06.2016 в 10:42

Какая милота)))
28.06.2016 в 10:42

Том счастлив, судя по всему.
конечно счастлив, у него наверное бабы не было давно, а тут вот подвернулась секс-машина)))))) и у него крышу снесло... Здесь другого ничего не придумаешь. И можете меня бить тапками сколько угодно, удовлетворенный систематически мужик, который хочет отношений и находит бабу, который всегда скрывал личку, вот так вот себя вести не будет. Его прорвало на сексуальной почве.