Тред по Sherlock BBC. Здесь собираются, чтобы обсудить, поспорить и померяться чем угодно: сериал, каст, версии, теории, дедукцЫи, спойлеры, ОТП, РПС, пейринги, сценарии, арты, фики, видео... и даже сопутствующий оффтоп. Упорос наше всё, выдроежики наш талисман. Может быть опасно. Welcome!
сообщество для побочных эффектов шерлокоправды
словарь мемов для новичков | рисовалка | склад голосовалок | копилка | выдроежики
словарь мемов для новичков | рисовалка | склад голосовалок | копилка | выдроежики
Предыдущие темы: 1-100 , 101-200 , ... , 238, 239, 240, 241, 242.
Вопрос: 243 вида табачного пепла или что курят аноны:
1. все, что дымится | 9 | (3.85%) | |
2. дамские тонкие | 13 | (5.56%) | |
3. ментол форева | 14 | (5.98%) | |
4. кальян - дело тонкое, Петруха | 10 | (4.27%) | |
5. моя бабушка курит трубку | 19 | (8.12%) | |
6. никотиновые пластыри, дышать скучно | 5 | (2.14%) | |
7. курю бамбук | 25 | (10.68%) | |
8. анон не курит, анон чтит ЗОЖ | 69 | (29.49%) | |
9. только бергамот, только хардкор! | 34 | (14.53%) | |
10. выдроёжики затаптывают бычок на асфальте | 36 | (15.38%) | |
Всего: | 234 Всего проголосовало: 126 |
The audience, visibly moved, gave the cast and filmmakers a rousing ovation when they came onstage afterwards, with special enthusiasm for Cumberbatch. But when the fest’s Cameron Bailey invited questions, one woman began, “Benedict, I think you’re actually quite yummy” and then rambled for a long time and concluded by asking “if I can taste your deliciousness.”
After a second’s pause, Cumberbatch gave a deadpan sigh that he’d been talking about the complex life and sad death of the brilliant Alan Turing, “and now I’m being called yummy … Oh, the jingle-jangle…”
Cumberbatch managed to bring the conversation back to the real-life Turing, saying he hoped his performance showed the humor and humanity of the mathematician, who was socially awkward and often tormented. “I tried to play his learning curves as a human being. I found him inspiring,” said the actor, concluding that “for all his differences, he’s one of us.”
Cumberbatch also politely handled the multiple questions from the audience that had already been answered. One woman asked how playing Turing will affect his next role, to which he replied “Hopefully not at all, because I’m playing Richard III.”
Though there were 10 people onstage, the focus of the audience questions was clearly Cumberbatch. However, director Morten Tyldum was able to state that he felt a huge responsibility to be accurate with “Game” and said, “I want the film to be a celebration of those who are different.” And Keira Knightley said of her character’s relationship with Turing, “I always took it as a meeting of minds.”
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не так страшна мамаВанда, как ШПсвекровка
Жалко Бена. Представляю, как ему было неловко и как он злился.
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а теперь представь полный театральный зал таких битчез, пришедших поближе полюбоваться на те вкусности, которых бы им очень хотелось попробовать
Тем более, что и вопросы задавали только ему, если верить "Вэрайэти".
Я бы тоже так ответила...даже если бы и не было никого.
And then I thought, "Stop looking at him through the camera and look at him with your eyes!", and I put the camera away for a minute while I got a good look at him: He's got a slight build. He's wearing the blue suit with black trim, white shirt and tie. His hair is fairly short at the sides and back, with carefully sculpted curls on top. His skin is flawless, and I'm pretty sure he's wearing makeup (I guess he would, if he spent the day being filmed and photographed). He's wearing those black-rimmed glasses, but when he looks up, I see his eyes. Those eyes! I've never seen anything like them. I don't even know how to describe the shade of blue. Remember his eyes in The Sign of Three, when he's at the wedding, talking to Mycroft on the phone? Those are the eyes I saw. Just as I was thinking that having him this close to me is more than I could ever have hoped for, I suddenly remembered that I should try to get an autograph. I had brought three pictures with me (just like I had done for Andrew Scott), so I took one out (his GQ cover photo) and held it up. Then I noticed that when he signed autographs, he used the fans' pens, so I reached into my purse and got out my sharpie, saying the entire time "please don't leave yet, please don't leave yet". So I had the photo and marker, and held them out to him. AND HE TOOK THEM! If I hadn't had so many people pushing against me, I probably would have fainted. I watched him uncap the marker and sign my picture, but I don't think he ever looked at me. He was like that the entire time - doing one thing while looking elsewhere. It didn't come across as being rude, though. It just seemed like he wanted to acknowledge everyone there by multitasking - sign an autograph over here while waving to fans over there. Before he gave me back the picture, a man behind me said, "Benedict, would you use that pen to sign this for me, too?", but I don't remember if he did. He handed me back the picture first, and for some reason I thought, "Please keep the marker! Please keep the marker!", but instead he put the cap back on it, and handed it back to me. But . . . he was looking the other way. And there I was looking at those beautiful fingers right in front of me, holding my marker. And I remember that somewhere on this message board I agreed to grab his hand and take him to the lake. So I had an idea - I wouldn't actually grab his hand of course. But when I took the marker from his hand, I may have touched more of his hand than was absolutely necessary. Ok, it wasn't necessary at all, but I did it anyway. I touched his beautiful, long, soft fingers, and I did it as slowly as humanly possible. It was heavenly!
Пиздец. Наверное такое было только с Битлами в последний раз. Как они его не растоптали и не порвали на части, Огурец скоро будет боятся фанатов. Хорошо, что стейдж дора на Гамлете не будет.
Я читала отзывы встретивших Бена. Это реально беномания, как и битломания когда-то. Люди рыдали после встречи, у многих фанов настоящая истерика была.
Так многие и пишут об этом: типа стояла с журналом, хотела взять автограф, потом увидела глаза/кудряшки/руки и все. Слезы и истерика.
Серьезно, несколько таких отзывов прочла.
Не забывай про фантастический запах))Народ опять помнит только то, что пах Бен изумительно. Чем-снова тайна)
Так многие и пишут об этом: типа стояла с журналом, хотела взять автограф, потом увидела глаза/кудряшки/руки и все. Слезы и истерика.
Серьезно, несколько таких отзывов прочла.
у меня конечно никогда не будет возможности Бена увидеть, и я считаю себя адекватной
Не то что бы он осуждал и спорил с девичьими рыданиями при встрече с ... все бывает, хотя сам анон, видимо, этого никогда не поймет... НО! хочет засочувствовать и пожелать крепкого здоровья Огурцу и касту ИИ, если об эпичном моменте пресс-конференции
кусай его зубкаме (с)отписали/рассказали все...и это только начало, насколько я понимаю)А Огурец хотел о высоком поговорить...наивно)
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все, Бен
больше никакого интима в фильмах, даже целоваться ни с кем не смей, зачем лишний раз сводить с ума фанаток
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взгрустнула, что на следующем фестивале наверно его не будет
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