Бесит, когда Локи не любят только потому, что он, видите ли, образом не совпал с прототипом из мифов. В чем проблема? Просто не смешивайте этих двух персонажей.

Правила локитреда

Клятва Ночного Дозорного

Предыдущие темы: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..., 125, 126, 127, 128, 129.

Вопрос: Занимательная математика:
1. 18 
9  (3.36%)
2. 23 
21  (7.84%)
3. 26 
9  (3.36%)
4. 30 
4  (1.49%)
5. мьелльнир 
46  (17.16%)
6. базука 
17  (6.34%)
7. круассан 
9  (3.36%)
8. анаконда 
14  (5.22%)
9. заебали 
65  (24.25%)
10. ЛОКЕБОХ!!!! 
74  (27.61%)
Всего:   268
Всего проголосовало: 153

@темы: локиправда

01.05.2014 в 20:49

I cannot believe I am making this post right now but I have met TOM HIDDLESTON AND JESSICA CHASTAIN.

It was so worth it to get up at 5 in the morning, with two hours of sleep to go downtown in the dark and creepy fog and see them. I may believe that it was an actual dream.

They wrapped at about 6 in the morning and that’s when the cast started to come out. First Jim Beaver who just smiled at us and Charlie (who did a cute little action when he came out to his driver) who had his window down and waved and said goodbye to us. His smile is breathtaking.

Jessica came out in a BEAUTIFUL dress which had a long train that had to be carried by someone yet she still came to us to say hi cause she had realized we had been there late last night as well. She signed autographs, was absolutely stunning, sweet and friendly as she always is.

The last person to come out was Tom and all of us (7 of us) were probably just thinking that he’d wave and go cause we were told it had been a really long and strenuous scene. When he came out, I literally held my breath. He went to his car and I could hear his voice (first time I ever have) and I just like froze when he started to walk towards us. HE’S SO HANDSOME DAMN.

He shook all our hands and asked our names before signing stuff whilst talking to us. A girl had asked him about UNICEF (absolutely amazing) and he stood there and really spoke to us about it. The fact that he was willing to have a conversation after all that was just amazing to me. Especially since he is more attentive in a conversation than a lot of people I’ve met.

I gave him a letter that he started to open while he was talking to us and I panicked and practically yelled, “NO DON’T OPEN IT!” I’m a loser. I know. I would cry if he started to read it in front me.

All in all, it was an absolutely amazing interaction. They all looked fantastic (all in costume still) and yes, Tom smelt AMAZING. I still smelt his cologne after he left. I will never get over how fucking sweet he is. He is everything people say he is and so much more.

I also cried when I was walking to my bus stop. I started bawling my eyes out probably 3 times in the middle of the street because I just couldn’t even believe it. He has my letter. He’s going to read it and I’ll get to be able to let him know just how much he’s meant to me.

Fucking amazing cast and crew! Amazing fans that I met while waiting for them!

I’m going to lay face first on my bed for the rest of the day and repeat the way he said my name over and over again in my head. Bye!
01.05.2014 в 20:52

Аноны с простынями на буржуйском! Пожалуйста, резюмируйте их в паре-тройке предложений, а)
01.05.2014 в 20:56

Аноны с простынями на буржуйском! Пожалуйста, резюмируйте их в паре-тройке предложений, а)
Это о том,как сегодня фаны подкараулили Тома и Джессику после съемок, которые закончились в 6 утра и как Томас , несмотря на усталость, подошел к ним и говорил с ними и так он приятно пахнет, какой красивый и всякие такие фанатские сопли и восторги.
01.05.2014 в 21:28

Это о том,как сегодня фаны подкараулили Тома и Джессику после съемок, которые закончились в 6 утра и как Томас , несмотря на усталость, подошел к ним и говорил с ними и так он приятно пахнет, какой красивый и всякие такие фанатские сопли и восторги.

Это Том после съемок в шесть утра еще может что-то приветливое сказать? :wow2: Он тогда сверхчеловек!

01.05.2014 в 22:03


me, my friend, and a couple other girls waited outside the set this morning for a little and tom came over to say hello after filming! he’s super sweet! like he shook all of our hands and signed things for us. all together we had a like a five minute conversation with him and wow I just can’t get over how nice and beautiful he is in real life.
01.05.2014 в 22:17

спасибо, пикспамер
лучей любви и счастья тебе :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
01.05.2014 в 22:20

спасибо, пикспамер

лучей любви и счастья тебе

Да пожалуйста! :gh:
Только нас двое ;-)
01.05.2014 в 22:23

Только нас двое

значит вам двоим)
01.05.2014 в 22:39

Попытка № 3

01.05.2014 в 22:48

Всё же Крис Хемсворт очень хорошенькая девчонка!
01.05.2014 в 22:53

Это Том после съемок в шесть утра еще может что-то приветливое сказать? Он тогда сверхчеловек!
а кто-то сомневался в том что он не просто человек:D
01.05.2014 в 22:54

22:32 22:34 22:39
Попытка № 3

не видно :-/