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Официальный канал Юзу на Youtube www.youtube.com/@HANYUYUZURU2624
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Шоу Yuzuru Hanyu ICE STORY 2nd "RE_PRAY" TOUR
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Официальный сайт Твиттер
Саитама, ноябрь 2023
04 ноября (сб) 11:00 ~ , 05 ноября (вс) 10:00 ~
Сага, январь 2024
12 января (пт) 12:00 ~, 14 января (вс) 10:00 ~
Йокогама, февраль 2024
17 февраля (сб) 11:00 ~, 19 февраля (пн) 10:00 ~
14 января 2024 (вс) 10:00 ~ Сага день 2 CS Asahi ch1 Global Streaming (LIVE)
19 февраля 2024 (пн) 10:00 ~ Йокогама день 2 CS Asahi ch2 Global Streaming (LIVE)
время мск.

Шоу 羽生結弦 notte stellata at Sekisui Heim Super Arena in Sendai
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Официальный сайт Твиттер Instagram
08 марта (пт) 11:00 ~, 09 марта (сб) 10:00 ~, 10 марта (вс) 10:00 ~
время мск.

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Официальный сайт Твиттер Youtube

Шоу Yuzuru Hanyu ICE STORY 2023 GIFT at Tokyo Dome
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Специальное издание GIFT с 30 июня 2023, Disney+

07 января 2024 (вс) 07:55 ~ Документальный фильм RE_PRAY TV Asahi
время мск.

Японское ТВ (где смотреть)
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Велоспорт Календарь
Спортивная гимнастика Календарь Форум по СГ Спортбокс
live.qq.com/10002856 live.qq.com/video/3734296

Предыдущие треды: 1-500, ..., 839, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 849, 850, 851.

@темы: олимпиадотред

12.01.2024 в 15:33

After skating LMEY, Yuzu said: "I'm so happy! Happy! Happy! Every time I feel like skating is happy . It's great that I chose this song! There are many hard and painful things in the world now, such as the recent earthquake, the world situation is not stable, and even I have a lot of troubles just because of my own affairs, but it is rare for everyone to come to my "entertainment", even if it is false happiness, I hope everyone can accept it."

Yuzu has finished skating I am the strongest, but the screen is not open. Yuzu lies on the screen in confusion, and then seems to be gesticulating and thinking about the choreography for a while, and suddenly starts to return to Goliath! ! ! !
Then he said super cutely, “Please check out my YouTube for the full version
The screen still not opened after skating goliath, Yuzu started to say again: "Now is different from before, uhmm, I should say so far, it's just different from the competition. I can't meet everyone on the terrestrial tv often. …But in the future, as long as everyone still has expectations for me and wants to come see me, and everyone from Saga Prefecture and Saga City comes to see me like today, I will really try my best! I will learn a lot of things and spend everything I have for skating! Please support me!
12.01.2024 в 15:36

Lmey and Seimei had the crowd roaring the whole way through. Exactly what these programs have always deserved. Good job Saga
12.01.2024 в 15:38

Молодец, не растерялся. Это хорошо, что тебе есть что сказать и показать. Профессионал одним словом.
12.01.2024 в 15:50

5500 зрителей в Saga D1
12.01.2024 в 16:04

5500 зрителей в Saga D1
Такой маленький зал?
12.01.2024 в 16:07

Такой маленький зал?
Получается да. И лед небольшой.
12.01.2024 в 16:08

Такой маленький зал?
Так это было давно известно
12.01.2024 в 17:38

Красивый. Волосы отросли как.
12.01.2024 в 18:00

Ага, Юзу очень идет такая укладка как в Весне, а вот зализон я не люблю.
12.01.2024 в 18:20

When he said he’ll do LMEY as an encore, he started explaining about call & response, saying he won’t be singing. Then someone near the rink must have said “pls sing” or something, as he said, “I won’t sing, no way. I’m not a singer!” He did say that C&R was fun!
12.01.2024 в 18:22

After LMEY (he fell after the 3A and lay flat on his back for a while) he thanked everyone, saying that it was fun, and at that precise moment he felt he was truly enjoying skating. He said 楽しい “it’s fun” several times after that too, and happy that he chose that program.
12.01.2024 в 18:24

He had his chin on the microphone as he started his speech after HYK. He said whilst doing the show, he does think, yes, it’s tough. He’s seen everyone’s messages of support and our prayers, and he feels happy when he’s skating in front of us. He asked us if we’ve seen the documentary, and he said it’s really like that behind the scenes, being out of breath. Someone around him told him that perhaps he doesn’t need to chip away so much at his life 命を削らなくてもいいんじゃない? But he has to do it that way, he can’t accept it otherwise. He said he’s got many sponsors, and us fans, so he always feels in his heart that he wants give it everything he’s got. People might worry about him, but he’s only on his 20s and his way of thinking might change as he gets older, but for now, he wants to give it his all.
12.01.2024 в 18:35

After “I’m Invincible” by Ado finished, he was ready to go behind the screen through the middle, but it didn’t open (like in GIFT). His reaction was just so cute, looking puzzled, & after wondering what to do for a while, he decided to perform part of Goliath without the music.
Afterwards, he held the microphone with both hands, and tilting his head, he said, “Please watch the actual performance on YouTube”.
12.01.2024 в 18:38

He thinks that figure skating is an art form as well as a sport. At times, he finds the technical side of FS difficult, as it uses up his stamina. He likened himself to a candle burning his own life, which might worry people, but he’d like us to receive as much as possible, as that is Yuzuru Hanyu’s form of expression as an artist and athlete. He asked us to support him doing it this way.
12.01.2024 в 18:53

Юзу такой философ...
12.01.2024 в 18:56

At the very end, Yuzu said that he’ll continue to work v. hard, & as long as people come to his shows & want to see his skating, he’ll keep learning lots of things & devote himself to FS. He said he’d appreciate our continued support.
12.01.2024 в 20:07

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12.01.2024 в 20:38

There was something truly special about Yuzu's skating tonight. He was so totally present, so very centered within himself. Despite the first half being so different in character to the second half, he exuded a palpable confidence throughout, much more than I have seen from him before. It wasn't necessarily the skating or the visuals that made this show so special for me- it was because it felt like Yuzu had such a peaceful, playful aura about him. I sensed he was truly very happy to be there tonight shining his light for everyone, and he was genuinely having fun just being Yuzu! His smile came straight from his heart, and I felt he was able to receive our love and affection in its full measure.
12.01.2024 в 21:02

His smile came straight from his heart, and I felt he was able to receive our love and affection in its full measure.
Очень приятно читать такие впечатления. Надеюсь несмотря ни на что, Юзу сегодня смог порадоваться выступлению на публике. А то по первым репортам заставил сильно поволноваться из-за прыжков (когда не идут триксели, дело явно не айс), плюс заменой layback spin (забываю вечно перевод) в двух прогах читать дальше
Жду воскресенья, т.к. по ходу есть небольшие изменения и доработки
12.01.2024 в 21:14

from the official sponsor Phiten (перевод на англ. @sarah_sohma)
1. Waiting and waiting and finally “RE_PRAY” Saga Phiten provide a leaflet introducing #kenkoyokuShower that is used regularlyby “HanyuYuzuru senshu.
The product has been used by Yuzuru-senshu since he was a competitor, and it officially became the advisory contract from 2023.
Starting today, we will post stories about how Hanyu Yuzuru-senshu enjoys Kenkoyoku everyday from Episode 1 to 10.
2. Advisory contracts are concluded with products that are deemed necessary for athletes’ activities.
Last summer, when we went to product MTG with #HanyuYuzuru senshu, we heard a valuable story that he uses the #kenkoyokuShower every day.
We will inform you about how he experiences the product and various ways to use. We are sure that the information will be useful for your daily life.
12.01.2024 в 21:26

Moppy Sound загрузили вторую часть нового альбома на Youtube

13.01.2024 в 00:51

5500 зрителей в Saga D1
Такой маленький зал?

Так Пролог Хатинохе тоже был в маленьком зале.
Мне кажется, в таких небольших городах своя классная атмосфера, дни шоу как праздник в городе, да и зрителям ближе на любой из трибун. Хотя с популярностью Юзу и большие арены обязательно нужны, и так билетов не всем хватает.
13.01.2024 в 01:11

13.01.2024 в 01:40

Часть Голиафа, исполненная на шоу
Такой сюрприз был для зрителей, классно.
13.01.2024 в 01:43

This morning's Saga Newspaper
'Treasures on ice'.
13.01.2024 в 04:49

Юзу и RE_PRAY в тренде! Более 90 тысяч твитов.
13.01.2024 в 05:11

Часть Голиафа, исполненная на шоу
Это прям было неожиданно! Пусть бы нам позже показали весь первый день.
13.01.2024 в 05:27

Анон всё почитал.
Юзу в Саге - совсем другой Юзу (в отличие от той же Сайтамы)
Болтушка наша любимая вернулся! :dance2:
В порядке бреда
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