Бесит, когда Локи не любят только потому, что он, видите ли, образом не совпал с прототипом из мифов. В чем проблема? Просто не смешивайте этих двух персонажей.

Правила локитреда

Клятва Ночного Дозорного

В треде мирно сосуществуют слэшные, гетные и дженовые направления. Срачи на эту тему категорически запрещены.

Предыдущие темы: 1-100, ..., 358, 359, 360.

@темы: локиправда

25.06.2019 в 23:29

:beg::beg::beg::beg::beg::beg::beg: ЛОКИ ЖИВ!!! :beg::beg::beg::beg::beg::beg::beg:
25.06.2019 в 23:30

Интервью Тома
Tom Hiddleston on Life Before and After Loki
12:10 PM PDT 6/25/2019 by Mathew Scott

Credit: BAFTA
Tom Hiddleston
On the sidelines of the Shanghai International Film Festival, the British star talked about how Kenneth Branagh helped his career, why he is working with BAFTA on a Chinese talent initiative and the upcoming Loki series.
Shanghai is a long way from family and familiarity for British star Tom Hiddleston, but cinema is now more than ever a global community.
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25.06.2019 в 23:33

Tom Hiddleston on Life Before and After Loki

«On the sidelines of the Shanghai International Film Festival, the British star talked about how Kenneth Branagh helped his career, why he is working with BAFTA on a Chinese talent initiative and the upcoming Loki series.
Shanghai is a long way from family and familiarity for British star Tom Hiddleston, but cinema is now more than ever a global community.

So in China, the 38-year-old, who attended the Shanghai International Film Festival, which wrapped on Monday, is mostly known as Loki from the Marvel Universe thanks to the billions the franchise has collected around the world.

Hiddleston came to the Chinese metropolis to help launch the BAFTA Breakthrough China initiative, which will select five Chinese creatives — directors, writers, producers, actors or game developers — and give them a year of mentorship and support.

It’s another role that Hiddleston has fully embraced. As Loki, brother of Thor and also often his nemesis, Hiddleston found fame and later fortune as the character and the franchise grew. Now there’s a TV series in the works for the upcoming Disney+ streaming platform.

On the sidelines of the Shanghai International Film Festival, the British star talked to The Hollywood Reporter about how Kenneth Branagh helped his career, why he is working with BAFTA and the upcoming Loki series.

You’re here in your role as ambassador for BAFTA. What drew you to this?

I really believe in it. Anyone at the beginning of their career can often feel quite isolated. Perhaps you had enough confidence to make one film or give one performance. But it’s hard sometimes to know how to keep going or to make that next step, and I think mentorship is so useful. It was useful to me. I do know that there is always a great power in connection and inspiration. At the beginning of a career it is enormous. I know at the beginning of a career to have the confidence to develop your own skills, to share your imagination, to share your belief can be a very profound thing and it can last for a very long time. So I am just happy to make connections as best I can.

A connection with Kenneth Branagh helped lead you to the role of Loki. Can you talk us through what went on there?

It had a life-changing effect on me. It happened quite organically, almost by accident. He saw me in a Shakespeare production in a theater in London, he then asked me to perform with him in the television series Wallander for the BBC. We then did a Chekhov play in the West End, and then he cast me as Loki in the first Thor film. So actually we ended up spending about 12 months working together in different media.

And that’s when you career took off in global terms. How did you learn from him?

Just from being able to watch him, closely. Then he would prepare to shoot, to execute, to perform. He always treated me as an equal. At the end of that experience I had learned so much from him. But then I realized that he used to look up to Derek Jacobi and Anthony Hopkins. And when I was playing Loki for the first time and Anthony Hopkins was playing my father, he told me he used to look up to Richard Burton. So I realized that the creative industries are in a constant feedback loop of re-inspiration and imagination.

What are you expecting from the Chinese talent chosen for the BAFTA initiative?

There’s a lot for me to learn and I know a lot less about how new talent comes through here. In the U.K., certainly as an actor, I know that certain talent comes through drama school and perhaps they started in theater. It’s different in America, it’s different in Australia. But I am really excited to learn from the five Breakthrough winners how they feel about performance, how they feel about film. But for me also now the creative industries are global. The most exciting collaborations that I’ve had are international. I’ve made six films with an actor called Chris Hemsworth. He’s Australian, I’m British. We came from very different acting disciplines, but we played brothers for 10 years. I’ve learned so much from him, he’s learned so much from me. I hope we managed to pull off a convincing act as brothers!What have you been asked in previous mentorship roles with BAFTA?

Sometimes actors ask me "how do you prepare for auditions," or it can be the simple day-to-day practice of being an actor. "How do you restore yourself after a long shoot? Where do you get your inspiration from? How do you keep trying to get better?" Those are the things you need to know, actually. Those are the things I learned from Kenneth Branagh. Seeing him work with a sсript, first thing in the morning, I found absolutely invigorating. He was always trying to make the story clearer. It was all about story for him. It wasn’t about ego.

Will the thespian in you point them towards theater?

I don’t know. It’s something that has helped me. My passions for theater and film are very much intertwined. My own tastes started to expand in my teams. I think as children we all love films, but I started to seek out more different films as teenager but also I started to go to the theater a lot. That’s where it all started.

Do you still get nervous on stage?

I think the day you stop getting nervous is the day you should stop. But I try to convert my nerves into a positive.

You had a start also in TV, which is a lot more common now than, say, 20 years ago when it was still looked upon as a lesser art...

To me it’s all about story. It all about connections. But lots of people have seen my TV work, like The Hollow Crown. I’m always stunned that Chinese people have seen a work done for BBC Two. There’s no such thing as a small production anymore.»

25.06.2019 в 23:33

Воистину, анончик :gh3:

25.06.2019 в 23:34

Thor & Loki Hit the Stage: Marvel Teams With Samuel French to License 1-Act Plays for High Schools
Young adult stories based on characters Squirrel Girl and Ms. Marvel are also available for licensing

Brian Welk | June 24, 2019 @ 9:07 AM
Last Updated: June 24, 2019 @ 9:08 AM
thor loki marvel
Disney/Marvel Studios

After conquering the box office, Marvel superheroes like Thor and Loki are coming to a stage near you.

Marvel Entertainment is partnering with theatrical company Samuel French to produce a collection of three different one-act stage plays featuring the Marvel comics characters of Thor, Loki, Squirrel Girl and Ms. Marvel.

The plays are written specifically for a high school crowd and can be purchased to be licensed and staged as part of an educational theater market. The stories will explore themes of self-image, understanding vulnerability, adjusting to change, the importance of responsibility, and being true to oneself.
25.06.2019 в 23:34

«What can you reveal about the upcoming Loki TV series and about this particular role?

It is a constant source of surprise and delight that these films have connected with people. I knew he was a complex figure. Intelligent yet vulnerable. Angry and lost and broken and witty. I thought it was an amazing opportunity and it’s grown into this network of movies. I could never have expected it. I feel very fortunate that this character has connected with people.

And where does the TV series take the character?

All I can tell you is that it is called Loki. It is a new departure ... but I can’t explain why.»

25.06.2019 в 23:40

It is a new departure ... but I can’t explain why.
Блять. Просто...блять :facepalm:
25.06.2019 в 23:43

It is a new departure ... but I can’t explain why.
Блять. Просто...блять

А чочочо такое?
25.06.2019 в 23:44

Ну типа это новая отправная точка. Я только надеюсь, что имеется в виду место в пространстве, а не янг :chainsaw:
25.06.2019 в 23:46

Переведите кто-нибудь целиком, плиз.
25.06.2019 в 23:46

«Недавно Том Хиддлстон пообщался с The Hollywood Reporter, чтобы рассказать о своей карьере, и именно там была поднята тема о грядущем шоу.

— Все, что я могу вам сказать, это то, что его зовут Локи. Это новый взгляд... но я не могу объяснить, почему.»
25.06.2019 в 23:47

Аноны снова начинают страдать заранее? Отправная точка от похищения тессеракта вижу тут я, откуда выкопали янга я хз
25.06.2019 в 23:47

All I can tell you is that it is called Loki. It is a new departure ... but I can’t explain why.
Все, что я могу вам сказать, что он называется Локи. Это новая отправная точка (гугл-транслейт предлагает еще вариант - новая линия поведения)..... Но я не могу сказать вам, почему.
25.06.2019 в 23:49

Отправная точка от похищения тессеракта вижу тут я, откуда выкопали янга я хз
Анончик, твои бы слова, да ЛокеБоженьке в уши. Просто у анонов сдают нервы - сначала слухи про янга, потом про гея, потом тишина, о проекте ни слова, потом Томме говорит про Локи, которого вы никогда не видели, теперь вот про new departure
25.06.2019 в 23:50

«Том Хиддлстон о сериале «Локи»

Недавно Том Хиддлстон был приглашен на интервью с Hollywood Reporter, чтобы поговорить о своей карьере, и, конечно же, о Локи. Актер заявил, что фанаты могут ожидать, что сериал их очень удивит.

Когда его спросили, в какой период времени происходит действие шоу, Хиддлстон ловко увернулся следующим ответом: «Все, что я могу вам сказать, это то, что он называется Локи. Это новый подход...но я не могу объяснить почему.»

Ранее в интервью Хиддлстон рассказал, что он был очень взбудоражен увидеть, как Локи на протяжении многих лет развивается в качестве сложного персонажа:

«Это постоянный источник удивления и восторга, потому что эти фильмы связаны с людьми. Я знал, что он сложная личность. Умный, но уязвимый. Злой, потерянный, сломленный и остроумный. Я думал, что это была удивительная возможность, и она выросла в эту серию фильмов. Я никогда подобного не ожидал.»»

25.06.2019 в 23:54

Tom Hiddleston Says TV Series Is A New Departure For Loki

«A new era has been set up to expand the Marvel Cinematic Universe that much more. With its Infinity Saga on the decline, Marvel Studios is firming up plans to keep the franchise going, and it will rely on Disney+ for some of that support. And according to one star, the service’s Loki series is going to challenge its lead in new ways.

Recently, Tom Hiddleston sat down with The Hollywood Reporter to talk about his career, and it was there Loki was brought up. The confirmed Disney+ series will be one of Marvel Studios’ bigger investments starting out on the platform, and the actor says fans can expect the series to surprise them.

When asked where the show will take the God of Mischief, Hiddleston kept coy with the following answer: “All I can tell you is that it is called Loki. It is a new departure ... but I can’t explain why.”

Earlier in the interview, Hiddleston said he is excited to see how Loki expands upon this villain-turned-hero who has connected with so many over the years.

“It is a constant source of surprise and delight that these films have connected with people. I knew he was a complex figure. Intelligent yet vulnerable. Angry and lost and broken and witty. I thought it was an amazing opportunity and it’s grown into this network of movies. I could never have expected it.”»

25.06.2019 в 23:59

Не могу, меня бомбит, простите. Просто правда не хватает никаких нервов. Нас такими намеками, полунамеками, оговорками будут кормить еще долго. :weep2::weep2::weep2::weep2::weep2:
26.06.2019 в 00:02

Не могу, меня бомбит, простите. Просто правда не хватает никаких нервов. Нас такими намеками, полунамеками, оговорками будут кормить еще долго.

да. до выхода сериала, так что тут только ждать фотки и все. и то могут фальсификат подсунуть.
26.06.2019 в 00:03

Привет, друзья! Я пришел с миром и принес собой немножечко доброты!

26.06.2019 в 00:05

С Новым тредом
26.06.2019 в 00:12

Ну типа это новая отправная точка. Я только надеюсь, что имеется в виду место в пространстве, а не янг
Янги будут в постановка старшеклассников, наверное. Отсюда и ноги росли о слухах про янга
26.06.2019 в 00:13

У меня сердце не выдержит этих намеков. Единственная надежда, что если бы был новый актер и ноль Локи-Тома, его бы не утаскивали бы в Финале.
26.06.2019 в 00:32

Анончик, которого бомбит, ты выдержишь. Если совсем тяжко, высказывайся, обязательно найдется кто-то, кто тебя поддержит.
Все будет хорошо. Локи сериал удастся.
26.06.2019 в 00:39

Отсюда и ноги росли о слухах про янга
Ноги росли с о слухов про Фиона.
А пьесы для школы - это вообще отдельная тема, к КВМ не относящаяся