Бесит, когда Локи не любят только потому, что он, видите ли, образом не совпал с прототипом из мифов. В чем проблема? Просто не смешивайте этих двух персонажей.
Правила локитреда
Клятва Ночного Дозорного
Предыдущие темы: 1-100 , ... , 258, 259, 260.
Вопрос: В детстве и юности Локи приходилось:
1. Быть метательным снарядом Тора | 45 | (12.86%) | |
2. Манекеном для платьев Фригг | 25 | (7.14%) | |
3. Выслушивать, как Один каждый раз хвалит БРАТА | 53 | (15.14%) | |
4. Слышать от Тора: "знай свое место, брат!" | 42 | (12%) | |
5. Выслушивать, что он и Сиф самые красивые девочки Асгарда | 47 | (13.43%) | |
6. Отдавать деньги на завтрак Вольштаггу | 9 | (2.57%) | |
7. Постоянно есть манную кашу: "чтобы лучше рос" | 25 | (7.14%) | |
8. Печалиться, что не растет борода | 28 | (8%) | |
9. Стоять в углу за четвёрку по физкультуре | 24 | (6.86%) | |
10. ЛОКЕБОХ!!! | 52 | (14.86%) | |
Всего: | 350 Всего проголосовало: 105 |
Dear God Thomas, put the bloody tongue away! There are children present!
Есть жопа - есть секси костюм, нет жопы - следующий😁
костюмеры беспощадны, нет чтоб женскую попу подчеркнуть или героическую - нет, только злодейскую
это томкина собственная, куда он ее денет?
Feelings are mixed.
Loki is toned down but at least he’s in it. Tom is doing his best with what he’s got.
Action scenes are great.
So is Valkyrie.
Humour is sometimes good, sometimes too much.
Some questions are left unanswered. Oh well, that leaves all the more to fanfiction.
Действительно, не понимаю, о чем спор. Показывают в Москве только в 7 кинотеатрах только в IMAX. Это действительно немного. Обычно сразу и в 2D, и в других форматах.
The humour was really different from the other Marvel movies, I laughed more and more genuinely. Taika is a great comedy director.
The chemistry between the characters is top, especially Thor and Hulk/Banner.
Chris Hemsworth at his best, seriously.
Very nice cameos and one of them is hilarious because of the choice of the actor hahaha.
The atmosphere of the film is amazing.
I'm just gonna give a brief review a I feel I need to see it again.
-The humour is great for me which I knew it would be Waititi is more my sense of humuor as opposed to Gunns or TDW humour.
- Thor whilst different to previous iterations isn't vastly different, yes he is more humorous, but isn't so much of a stretch
- All the supporting characters are great, every time Korg spoke my audience was dying. And I think he is in it the perfect amount, not over used.
- The action especially Thor's stuff is great, maybe the only downside there is wasn't enough of it.
- I think the exposition and references to other films/characters was potentially the best in an MCU film, perfectly used, didn't seem stuffed in.
- The best Hulk so far and I really hope A3 and A4 have some Thor/Hulk stuff
- The first act is a bit all over and too fast paced, film doesn't really settle till Sakaar
- Hela, whilst actually threatening imo is underused.
- I would say the film needed to be either all Sakaar or all Ragnarok, to me it feels like two A plots put together, it's probably a credit it works so well
- Maybe a few less silly bits in tension moments would have helped, but as I said above the humour is actually good so not a big con.
EDIT - oh i forgot to add the CGI in the reshoots is awful. The rest is amazing though.
All in all I give it 7.5 which I rounded to an 8 as I think on re-watch I'm gonna enjoy it more.
I don't think it is up with the top tier of the MCU, but falls just behind.
Taika's humor seemed to adapt well. I enjoyed it MUCH more than Guardians, and also Joss's Avengers.
Few cringy jokes, but most of them landed well. And it was serious at the right moments too.
@TaikaWaititi why cut the best scene in the movie? #ThorRagnarok
TaikaWaititi It's a "shot", and you'll always have the trailer! 😜
Ему, видимо, понравилась эта его шутка, так что он повторил в твиттере.
Ему, видимо, понравилась эта его шутка, так что он повторил в твиттере.
Он не в первый раз троллит Томме: twitter.com/TaikaWaititi/status/915809590880505...
Хуяссе ((( Они там все хорошее повырезали, что ли?
That person in particular actually seems to be just one that legitimately thinks that for a reason and maybe not for the sake of trolling. The problem is, after so many stupid complaints and whining it's hard to find out who really is genuine and truthful about their opinions and not just trying to piss people off while making a fool of themselves in the process. Enter Taika's correct answer.
the skinny, black-clad Tom Hiddleston, whose Loki is every inch the wild Romantic poet as redesigned by Tim Burton.
In the past, Hiddleston has gotten all the raves for his trickster Loki, and this time he proves he’s not just a lively comedian but a smart one: He responds to the general madness by underplaying, letting Hemsworth do the slapstick heavy lifting.
Ну так, видимо, следуют давней традиции. Все самые хорошие сцены с Локи из 1 и из 2 Тора - в корзину. Третий Тор - все та же хрень с вырезанными сценами. Тайка же сказал, трейлеры смотрите, хватит с вас. ((
— Literal words that came from Tom Hiddleston’s mouth when asked who Loki would rather team up with, Cap or Strange.