Бесит, когда Локи не любят только потому, что он, видите ли, образом не совпал с прототипом из мифов. В чем проблема? Просто не смешивайте этих двух персонажей.

Правила локитреда

Клятва Ночного Дозорного

Предыдущие темы: 1-100, ..., 234, 235, 236.

Вопрос: Почему у Локи желтый плащ?
1. Под цвет трона. 
18  (6.25%)
2. Чтобы отличаться от Хелы. 
16  (5.56%)
3. Новизны ради! 
17  (5.9%)
4. Зато бокалы зеленые! 
25  (8.68%)
5. Сиять, как Солнце! 
39  (13.54%)
6. Режиссёр - дальтоник (и костюмер тоже). 
23  (7.99%)
7. Локи - лицо новой кампании Гуччи. 
27  (9.38%)
8. Последний писк асгардской высокой моды. 
32  (11.11%)
9. Я - царь! Делаю, что хочу! 
46  (15.97%)
45  (15.63%)
Всего:   288
Всего проголосовало: 104

@темы: локиправда

09.03.2017 в 01:11

На первой странице должен быть Локебох в хорошем качестве!

09.03.2017 в 01:13

С новым тредом, анончики!!:gh3::gh3::gh3::gh3::gh::gh::gh::gh::gh::gh3::gh3::gh3::gh3::gh3::gh::gh::gh::gh::gh::gh3::gh3::gh3::gh3::gh3::gh::gh::gh::gh::gh:
09.03.2017 в 01:13

Не знаю что там с желтым костюмом - хорошо или плохо, но взгляд то истинно Локичкин! Чтобы там Вайтити не накрутил Том Локичку вытащит не сомневаюсь!
09.03.2017 в 01:16

Восковой Конрад на шоу Lorraine on ITV‏
09.03.2017 в 01:25

Подробности фильма «Тор: Рагнарок».

Кейт Бланшетт о Хеле:
— «Она находилась в заточении, на протяжении тысяч лет, накапливая свою злость, а затем происходит ошибка и она вырывается на свободу. Ничто не вернется ее обратно в ящик»

Крис Хемсворт о планете гладиаторов:
— «Сакаар, в общем роде, место куда вселенная выбрасывает свой мусор, сборище людей, из разных слоев общества, разных рас и с разными способностями. Никого не заботит то, был ли Тор принцем или королем в своем мире, но его способности довольно легко вписываются в окружающую обстановку».

Крис Хемсворт о тоне фильма:
— «Тайка обладает изворотливым чувством юмора, это заставляет всех персонажей и саму историю двигаться в новом направлении. Каждый день на съемках мы думал: Неужели мы так далеко зашли. Разве мы можем веселиться?».

Режиссер Тайка Вайтити пообещал, что юмор не сильно изменит тон самой истории:
— «Я думаю, что люди часто заблуждаются, считая, что поменяв тон картины, мы собираемся сделать масштабную комедию о спасении Вселенной. Я хочу, чтобы зрители переживали о том, что будет происходить на экране, волновались о том, преуспеет ли персонаж. Я думаю, это сдвиг тона. Я не волнуюсь, я чувствую себя хорошо».—

09.03.2017 в 01:32

Прогнозируемые цифры
‘Kong: Skull Island’ Hopes To Leave Huge Footprint At Global B.O. In Face Of ‘Logan’s Wrath

«After first being announced three Comic-Cons ago, Warner Bros/Legendary Kong: Skull Island finally will take its first steps on the global stage in 65 offshore markets including the U.S./Canada with a daunting production cost before P&A of $185 million.

Kong arrives in a lucrative spring break marketplace that will see 19% of all colleges off and 8% K-12 on Friday. Those ComScore figures will increase to 38% and 19%, respectively, by Monday.

Kong‘s projected global grasp in weekend one? $110M-$135M. Here’s how that breaks down:
In the states, the film arrived on tracking in the $40M-range four weeks ago, lower than Logan‘s initial projections ($70M) and Beauty And The Beast‘s ($110M+). However, there’s a notion that since Kong is sandwiched between those two movies on the calendar, that’s been the pin in his side when it comes to squished forecasts. The Jordan Vogt-Roberts-directed movie is now looking at $45M-$50M at 3,500 locations with all the strength from Imax and 3D. On the plus side for Kong, and this should work in its favor in regards to foot traffic, is that reviews are at 81% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. That’s better than the reviews earned by Warner Bros/Village Roadshow’s Hollywood classic reboot The Legend Of Tarzan (36% Rotten), which cost about as much as Kong at $180M (before P&A) and opened to $46.6M over four days with a domestic end of $126.6M and worldwide of $356.7M.

There’s a faction of trackers out there who believe 20th Century Fox’s Logan, given its momentum (it’s up to $104M through five days), might have a shot of holding on to No. 1; that is if Kong comes in at the low-end, and Logan falls 45% to $48M. Previews for Kong start Thursday at 7 PM.

This week’s foreign territories include an opening in France today as well as Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, Russia, Korea, Brazil, Mexico, and Australia this weekend. China goes March 24 and Japan bows March 25. We’re already hearing that there’s strong business out of Paris. There are no other major wide openers this frame offshore with the main competition being the holdover of last week’s beast Logan. International opening estimates are pegged at $65M-$85M for this ensemble that includes Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, Oscar winner Brie Larson, John Goodman and John C. Reilly. Some think it could inch up closer to $100M, although that’s at the high-end.

Word of mouth is strong in foreign markets on Kong and the cast of acclaimed and popular actors also props it. Talent traveled to London for a Leicester Square premiere and junket; they also hit a Mexico City premiere and a Latin American junket. Coming up is an event premiere in Vietnam where the film was partially shot. A big Japan premiere and junket are still on deck.»

09.03.2017 в 01:36


09.03.2017 в 01:37

Tom Hiddleston talks KONG and reveals his best tip for keeping fit

09.03.2017 в 01:47

Kong: Skull Island Featurette - The Cast (2017)

09.03.2017 в 01:49

Kong: Skull Island TV SPOT - Get Ready for the King (2017)

09.03.2017 в 01:55

Entrevista a Tom Hiddleston Kong Skull Island

09.03.2017 в 02:09

VF - MARCH 7, 2017
Bolognese Is Making and Breaking British Celebrities Like Tom Hiddleston and Mary Berry

«One other person who has felt the heady weight of sauce is Tom Hiddleston the actor famous for his role in the Marvel movies, the upcoming Kong: Skull Island, and for being shortlisted on a rumored rotary of potential James Bonds (well, he’s most famous for where he spent his summer vacation—it was with Taylor Swift). Hiddleston endeared himself to even larger crowds of fans thanks to Taffy Brodesser-Akner’s GQ profile in which he serves her his bolognese.
Berry, a beloved British figure, and Hiddleston, a British thespian, have swapped places. She, castigated for the thing she does best. He, lauded for a thing he does to feed himself. Bolognese is both your ticket on the train and the boot kicking you off. British social currency has never been more in need of examination. Let’s get Jane Austen on this. Is E.M. Forster available?»

09.03.2017 в 02:22

March 9 - Tom Hiddleston on Jimmy Kimmel Live! (11:35 pm, ABC)
09.03.2017 в 02:36


«A few weeks ago we had a chance to sit down with Tom Hiddleston and Brie Larson and talk about their upcoming film Kong: Skull Island.

Were you a big Kong fan as a kid?

Tom Hiddleston: I was there is something about the natural world that is all exciting for children and a giant prehistoric ape for a kid is just a cool idea. In my mind I remember the images from the 1933 film, Kong on top of the empire state building or him fighting off a a dinosaur are what I remember. I think I came to the 70’s version a little bit later.

So was it an immediate yes when they came to you about this film?

Tom Hiddleston: When the role was presented to me in the summer of 2014 it was pitched as an adventure film and I was going to play the hero. He was an adventure and he was someone who was highly skilled, physically adept and resourceful and then we created a back story for him. It was very appealing to me that a film set in 1973, the world had just gone through the upheavals of the late 60’s, socially, politically, all of these revolutions have come through and you find this British SAS soldier who has been sought out specifically because the SAS was so highly regarded in their skills of jungle warfare and with recognizance and recovery and he’s lost and doesn’t really know.

Brie, you and Tom had a lot of moments together, how did you guys bond?

Brie Larson: We all hung out a lot. Part of the making of this movie was the hang. I was the den mother and would arrange the weekends. We were so deep in the jungle we couldn’t go back to our trailers to rest, even going to the bathroom was a problem. I felt like I was holding everything up so we ended up in this tent with fifteen chairs and no cell service.
What would you say was the highlight of working on this film?

Tom Hiddleston: The excitement of watching this is that I spent six months of my life staring at tall trees, high mountains and clouds in the sky. It’s like playing tennis with only half the court. When you
finally watch it and in post production and they put the other half of the court in and you’re playing with King Kong, that’s very thrilling. When you finally see those scenes it’s thrilling.

Tom will there be a Night Manager 2?

Tom Hiddleston: You’ll have to wait and see.

Have you gotten the call for Infinity Wars?

Tom Hiddleston: You’ll have to wait and see.»

09.03.2017 в 02:37

Tom will there be a Night Manager 2?
Tom Hiddleston: You’ll have to wait and see.

Have you gotten the call for Infinity Wars?
Tom Hiddleston: You’ll have to wait and see.»

09.03.2017 в 02:45

«"I love shooting action, because stage and screen combat is really more like choreography than anything else. You're having not only to physically execute the moves of the fight, but you're also working with the camera so the requirements to be very precise are high, but I enjoy that. It's releasing, in a way."
"I had actually planned a trip to Vietnam as a student but never got to go, because it was the same summer I got my first ever professional acting job, so it was really nice to go there as an actor," remarks Hiddleston.
"I finished Thor: Ragnarok at the end of October and I took some time off before this [press tour] came up, because I'd been working back-to-back for a long time. But I've got lots of things I'm still finishing."

This includes Early Man, a prehistoric comedy animation from Aardman Studios, the same team that introduced the world to Wallace And Gromit, in which he'll voice the pompous Lord Nooth.

"I'm thrilled to be able to breathe some semblance of life into this hysterical villain Lord Nooth. He's larger than life in every respect," says Hiddleston. "Nick Park [the director] is extraordinary in the way he works, and the animation of his characters takes a long time, so we keep meeting every month or so. I can't wait for audiences to see it."»

09.03.2017 в 02:51

so we keep meeting every month or so.

Том все еще работает над озвучкой мульта
09.03.2017 в 02:51

so we keep meeting every month or so.

Том все еще работает над озвучкой мульта
09.03.2017 в 03:07

«You came off of a monster movie and went back to Loki in another Thor movie. Do you see Loki as a monster?

HIDDLESTON: Loki is a God of Mischief. Whether he’s a monster is not for me to say.

How was working with Taika Waititi on Thor: Ragnarok?

HIDDLESTON: It was fantastic! He’s a wonderful director. He’s very spirited and light-hearted.

Among the Marvel movies, Thor has always been a bit more serious. Is he bringing some of his humor to it?

HIDDLESTON: Yeah, as a director, you can’t help but leave a fingerprint of who you are on the film you make, and Taika is a very warm-hearted, generous spirit who loves to make people laugh. I think you’ll definitely see humor in Ragnarok.»

09.03.2017 в 03:09

«You have some very intense moments in this, with Samuel L. Jackson. What’s it like to work with him?

HIDDLESTON: Sam is just a very fine actor, and he is a consummate professional. He and I worked together before, on Avengers. What’s really nice about moments like that is that we already have a rapport and a mutual respect. It’s fun. When you go toe-to-toe with an actor like Sam, that’s like playing tennis with Novak Djokovic. We enjoyed that. He’s a creature of the theater, as much as I am, so it was great to have some of those scenes, where we had some dialogue to sink our teeth into. So much of the engagement on a film like this is imagining the creatures that aren’t there. When you’re up against a real actor like Sam and you have some good dialogue to bat back and forth between you, that’s very exciting.
The scene after the end credits hints at a future for this story. So, how many films did you sign on for?

HIDDLESTON: I can’t reveal that information. I don’t know, honestly. That’s in the lap of the movie gods. Legendary are very carefully developing a universe of films, and I personally find that very exciting. I think there is value in this kind of entertainment.»

09.03.2017 в 03:18

« I am an urban creature really, but I loved playing this man Conrad, who I think is more content in an extreme, natural environment, probably more than he is anywhere else.”

As befits an Old Etonian with extensive stage experience, Tom Hiddleston speaks eloquently and descriptively.:D He is happy to talk about his relationship with acting but - as demonstrated above - less comfortable when discussing his private life. “I understand that this is a big film and it’s part of my duty to stand in front of it and do interviews and go to premieres and meet people and that somehow goes with the territory,” he says as if to explain his presence in a Los Angeles hotel suite. “So I just try to be myself.”

Looking fit and trim, he is dressed all in black and his tee-shirt, he says, was given to him by Gucci: “I am very lucky that there is an aspect of my job which requires promotion and so I most recently am lucky enough to work with Gucci, who have lent me clothes to wear on those occasions. So some of those clothes I get to keep, but a lot of them I give back, I can assure you.”
Despite his Shakespearean background 36-year-old Hiddleston is no stranger to superheroes and monsters; and younger audiences know him mainly as Loki in the Marvel superhero movies Thor, Thor: The Dark World and The Avengers, with Thor: Ragnarok due out later this year. He also has two more Avengers films lined up in 2018 and 2019. but they are not roles he seems anxious to discuss except as a stepping stone to other things.

“I really choose my projects on their own merits but I am not unaware that the success of those films has given me a huge opportunity to do other work,” he says.
“Acting for me is about curiosity and imagination and I get a real kick out of scratching around doing my research and building characters,” he says.
He counts Redmayne as a close friend but says: “I think Prince William is rather busy and has more important things to do than to hang out with me. But I saw him at a premiere of War Horse a few years back which was nice.”
"Boarding school is a very interesting experience because you are away from home at a very early age so the friendships you form with people are very strong. The friends I made there are some of the closest friends I have. It’s like a mixture of summer camp and Harry Potter without the magic. It was a good time.”
He hasn’t yet decided on what his next role will be but it’s a good bet it will be something completely different from what he has done before.

“When I started acting I never wanted to limit myself to any one type of role or type of genre or even any form of the dramatic arts,” he says. “I believe so profoundly in cinema and in theatre which in its own small way has a power to educate and to inspire, to entertain and to move;. And when I was younger I just wanted to be a part of it in some way.

"I love the theatre, that’s where I came from, I also love movies of all shapes. Big movies, small movies, blockbusters, independents, art pictures…. But I feel very grateful and very lucky that I have been allowed to move between different things. That’s what I always wanted to do, and I hope that it will continue.”»

09.03.2017 в 03:50

Сборы 8 марта в кинопрокате России и стран СНГ - 3 место после Зверопой (около 185 млн) и Логана (114-116 млн)

«На третьем месте с кассой 81-83 млн рублей расположился приключенческий блокбастер «Конг: Остров черепа». Формально 8 марта шли показы превью, а с официальной премьерой в четверг количество сеансов значительно возрастёт. Более того, в отдельных городах фильм выйдет на экраны только в пятницу. »
09.03.2017 в 03:57

Kong: Skull Island TV SPOT - Highly Classified Expedition (2017)

09.03.2017 в 04:13

Kong: Skull Island TV SPOT - Huge Review (2017)