Бесит, когда Локи не любят только потому, что он, видите ли, образом не совпал с прототипом из мифов. В чем проблема? Просто не смешивайте этих двух персонажей.
Правила локитреда
Клятва Ночного Дозорного
Предыдущие темы: 1-100 , ... , 192, 193, 194, 195, 196.
Вопрос: Как закончится "Ночной Администратор"?
1. Пайн раскроет Ропера, и того посадят. | 5 | (3.52%) | |
2. Пайн женится на Джед, а Ропер будет желать им счастья, утирая слезки. | 7 | (4.93%) | |
3. Пайн всех пошлет и останется с Корки. | 16 | (11.27%) | |
4. Пайн выяснит, что главный злодей на самом деле - Оливия Колман. | 5 | (3.52%) | |
5. Ропер раскусит Пайна, и тот едва успеет спастись. | 16 | (11.27%) | |
6. Ропер раскусит Пайна, и тому придет хана. | 10 | (7.04%) | |
7. Пайн проникнется философией Ропера и по-настоящему перейдет на его сторону. | 5 | (3.52%) | |
8. А все будет так, как в книге, просто интригу накрутить хотели. | 15 | (10.56%) | |
9. Неважно, как закончится, лишь бы еще показали попу Тома. | 27 | (19.01%) | |
10. ЛОКЕБОХ! ТОМОПайн тоже ничего так. | 36 | (25.35%) | |
Всего: | 142 Всего проголосовало: 67 |
Это две разные истори про ложки, анон. Одна про паб, где он научился стучать ложками, и другая как он расколотил ими кухню мамочки.
Why does Hiddleston remain a much-wanted entity in projects both big and small? Says Hollywood vet Abraham, who has produced such Oscar contenders as “The Hurricane” and “Children of Men”: “He is a great-looking guy with a smile that literally blows you over. He is 6' 2", and very bright and facile. He can articulate what he wants and what he doesn’t want. Tom never settles. If given a chance, he would never ever not do another take. He is committed 100 percent.”
Speaking of exposure, this probably won’t come as a shock to you: One day recently, when a certain episode of “The Night Manager” aired on the BBC, suddenly my Twitter account and Facebook feed was filled with comments, photos and GIFs involving your backside being exposed during a steamy encounter. Does a sense of humor help with that?
That is a strange thing. I close my ears and I close my eyes to that. There comes a point where it is just unhealthy. At the time of shooting that scene, I didn’t think twice about that part. We shot it very fast. It is an integral part of the narrative and shows the beauty of actors being able to commit themselves to every aspect of the craft. It is odd by any reasonable trajectory.
There are rumors that you and Benedict Cumberbatch, who also was in “War Horse,” might be reunited on the upcoming fourth season of his TV series “Sherlock.” And you might be his other brother besides Mycroft, who apparently is known as Sherrinford. Any truth?
No. It’s absolute nonsense. Pure speculation. Let me be the first to tell you that the creator of “Sherlock,” Mark Gatiss, is a friend of mine. We did “Coriolanus” on stage and he became a great pal. Mark has never mentioned it. If there were any truth to it, I would know it by now.
After The Night Manager, it's clear that Hugh Laurie - not Tom Hiddleston - should be the next Bond
"15 things you might not know about Hank Williams"
Jeremy Irons had talks for James Bond
Although he decided 007 wasn't for him, Irons is tipping his 'High-Rise' co-star Tom Hiddleston for the part and believes he could more-than adequately fill Bond's tuxedo, currently donned by Daniel Craig.
The 67-year-old star said: "He's a fairly conventional James Bond, but he has the style, the wit, the looks and the physique".
The Night Manager: Will the hit show get a second series?
After The Night Manager, it's clear that Hugh Laurie - not Tom Hiddleston - should be the next Bond
О, Боже, опять баттхэд какого-то мужика по поводу охренительности Томме.
There are rumors that you and Benedict Cumberbatch, who also was in “War Horse,” might be reunited on the upcoming fourth season of his TV series “Sherlock.” And you might be his other brother besides Mycroft, who apparently is known as Sherrinford. Any truth?
No. It’s absolute nonsense. Pure speculation. Let me be the first to tell you that the creator of “Sherlock,” Mark Gatiss, is a friend of mine. We did “Coriolanus” on stage and he became a great pal. Mark has never mentioned it. If there were any truth to it, I would know it by now.
На вопрос, будет ли Том сниматься в Шерлоке:
Ответ Тома: это абсолютный нонсенс. Чистой воды пустые домыслы. Позвольте я буду первым кто скажет вам , что создатель Шерлока, Марк Гэтисс - мой друг. Мы работали с ним вместе на сцене над постановкой Кориолан и он стал мне большим приятелем. Марк ни словом никогда об этом не упоминал. Если бы в этой версии была хоть крупица вероятности, то я бы уже об этом знал.